Sometimes, You’re a Loser by Amanda Scarborough

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Sep 30, 2013
We live in a society where everyone is scared to tell a kid that they lost and in a society where everybody gets a trophy or a ribbon, proclaiming they won.

I understand what the writer of the article is trying to get across, and in general I agree that acquiring something without effort isn’t the best way for kids to learn how to succeed in life. So, what chaps my backside isn’t that someone believes that, but rather that in order to grab attention and give the impression that things are going to Hell in a hand basket, they use extreme hyperbole.

I’m certainly not scared to tell a kid they lost, and I know a great many who feel the same way, including her, so to use a word like “everyone”, is to me disingenuous at best, and flat out lying at worst. And for sure to describe an entire society as being one where “everybody gets a trophy or ribbon” is just as bad.

What’s being done is, the writer of the article is making a political statement under the guise of sports commentary, and to me that’s disgusting! I see and hear enough of that kind of crapola without having to see it on a sports board.

Why didn’t that young lady just leave that 1st paragraph out of the article? Because she’s been raised in a world of trying to grab as much attention as quickly as possible, even if you have to exaggerate or lie, because if you don’t you’ll lose your audience quickly, and that is the ultimate failure. She knows that without that 1st paragraph, what she wrote is something that’s been written so many times by so many people, CoogansBluff’s description is spot on. What she had to say may be true, but its TRITE.

None of that is intended to denigrate her. In fact I commend her for being willing to put her thoughts out there for consideration by others. I'd just like to see her or someone else do that without just regurgitating the same things others have been saying for at least the almost 70 years I've been alive.
Jul 2, 2013
Very well written old man. Athletes today learn to lose no different than days gone by. Sure, when super young, everybody wins.

Get to the highest level of this sport of softball, and it is brutal. The winners get to stay and play on. The losers don't, yet still have a bunch of folks in their ear saying ... pay me money and you can get there.
Jan 25, 2011
Scorekeeper, where have you been? Most sports don't even keep score until a older age. Little league is a prefect example. When was the last time you have had to sit in a parent, teacher conf.? It is the same crap, at least in my area. Kids all get awards for doing something if they can't find anything that a student did well, they make something up. When I was in school, if you had bad grades or were a little jerk. You didn't get anything, but a smack on the rearend from someone, now you get a award.
Jun 18, 2012
OH MY GOSH!!!! Amanda Scarborough has joined this great discussion board. I look forward to her input in our pitching threads, especially given the arm-whip she gets with her own pitching style!


Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
When I was in school, if you had bad grades or were a little jerk. You didn't get anything, but a smack on the rearend from someone, now you get a award.

Or you go to a quack who says it's ok and there is a legit medical reason the kid acts like a jerk and its ok to be that way now.
Jan 25, 2011
Or you go to a quack who says it's ok and there is a legit medical reason the kid acts like a jerk and its ok to be that way now.

Boy, there were many times, I could of used a quack, to get me out of the principles office. Instead, I got the adjustment on the backside.


Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
Boy, there were many times, I could of used a quack, to get me out of the principles office. Instead, I got the adjustment on the backside.

I got that adjustment was what we needed back then. Got the point across...haha

The quack thing was only invented recently because people didn't want to admit that kids need a butt kickin once in a while
Jul 26, 2010
Many college coaches have lamented the fact that they keep recruiting kids that know how to "show", but have no idea how to compete. I can see how these two topics tie together.



Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
nanotech, you lost me on the parent teacher conference.

I guess I live in a different world. First, I don't sugar coach anything. If I have a student in class that I don't like, I tell them that. If you are a parent and come to parent teacher conferences, you are going to hear exactly the truth. For all things worth while including athletics will always include two steps forward and one step back. That step back can be construed as losing. In the article the comment was made that you have to hate losing more that you desire winning. I've been there. It is a shame. It is why I had to stop coaching basketball. I would tell myself on the bus to a game, "Darrell, you're not going to die tonight." Then, I'd coach the game. From the time the ball was tossed up, I could not sit down. I barked instructions at every instance. I was soaking wet by the end of the game. If we lost, I knew that I would not sleep that night. This might not make sense to some of you but I was losing in winning. I truly believe that I lost time off of my life every game that I coached.

Listen, our character is built during our worst times. Losing is a part of that. We want our children to know losing. We want them to know adversity. When our children overcome those things, they learn so much more about themselves. We also learn so much more about them.

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