Should a player be calling out another player?

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Jul 16, 2013
I agree with the others concerning communication, but there are right ways and wrong ways to handle it. The way the OP presents the situation, it sounds like it may have been handled wrong. That said, teammates need to work together and help each other. Especially if one of them is at a new or unfamiliar position. All throughout DD's high school career, she was often leaned on as that person. During her junior and senior years, she was the only player on the team that played travel ball. The rest of the team was extremely inexperienced, to put it politely. She would often speak to individual players privately to discuss things. And in key situations she would call the other infielders into the circle (she was the pitcher), to make sure everyone was on the same page and to offer them some words of encouragement. But she never yelled at a teammate and never did anything to "show them up".


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Has the 2b talked to the HC about this and asked for intervention? My dd played 1B and was very aggressive on fielding balls. It was not atypical for her to dive and was a SS for a couple of years in HS. In college, she was made a 1B but still had that mentality of catching everything or knocking it down. Her college coach actually took cones out and had her practice her "range" because they had an exceptional 2B. It did take a while for her to adjust.

Per the OP and telling the 1st baseman how to play, beware that you might be opening a can of worms if every player thinks it is their position to tell others how to play.
May 12, 2016
I agree CB, the player can talk to the coach. I like the cone drill to drive the point home about range. Quite often a player might mean well when providing constructive criticism, however it's generally done in the heat of a game and tone is way off. This type of advice at that time can be received incorrectly and cause issues.
Sep 29, 2014
No yelling required 1B and 2B need to communicate and learn what the range for each is as far as balls hit to the right side. There isn't a right and a wrong especially if they aren't sure the other can get to the ball it just takes a little time and effort.
May 22, 2019
Rural northeast
I personally wouldn't continue to play for a coach that isn't developing players.

That is what she is struggling with. There are other reasons why it makes sense to stay with the organization, even if this coach is not dealing with this problem. She is hoping changes will be made to the team after August tryouts. She is planning on trying out for other teams, just in case.
Mar 28, 2014
That is what she is struggling with. There are other reasons why it makes sense to stay with the organization, even if this coach is not dealing with this problem. She is hoping changes will be made to the team after August tryouts. She is planning on trying out for other teams, just in case.
what age level are we talking about here?
Aug 8, 2016
Should the pitcher be trying to cover 1st as they do in baseball, or is there not enough time with the shorter bases?
Apr 26, 2015
DD played on a team where the pitcher would scream at all the other players - so much that they wouldn't even come to the circle during a time out. She was always blaming them for problems "I'm pitching my butt off and you are doing nothing to help me" - this after having walked 3 girls in a row. There was a huge rift on the team and eventually the team fell apart. The HC would not do anything to address it - even though it was a very obvious problem. (DD was the catcher at the time and the only player the pitcher wouldn't yell at - probably because DD just brushed it all off - her tantrums didn't faze DD).

Currently there is a girl on DD's team and when they play outfield this girl thinks that if she CAN get a ball it is her ball. even if others have called her off and may have a better play on the ball. She doesn't seem to understand how to back someone up. She has come very close to major collisions on numerous occasions - with CF, SS and 3rd base. I told DD she needs to call her teammate out on this one. DD is CF - if she calls the ball (and she does - by yelling and waving her arms) and has a better play - then this other player needs to back off. It was hard but DD did it. She did in in a respectful way and did not shame her teammate. She does from time to time have to "remind" this girl but it is a lot better.

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