Seriously considering not having dd play travel ball yet

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Aug 29, 2011
I just received 2 messages wanting to know if dd can guest play for them at the Top Gun Winter Nationals, one is a 14u team(in our area she still can play until Jan 1st), the other team is a 16u team. I am in debate about which team or neither and let her continue to practice and getting ready for 16u.
Since it is guest play and 14U/16U aren't really that much different (same rules) I'd have her guest with the team you think you'll get more PT this week especially if it will include circle time. The only caveat is if the 16U team is one she is considering in the spring, guest with them for sure.

And there is no reason she can't continue to practice.
Nov 18, 2013
When finding the perfect fit I think you have to look beyond playing time. Look for a team with great coaching and dedicated players. She’ll learn far more even if she’s not seeing as many innings. On the successful teams players/families understand their roles and embrace them. The “pay to play” sentiment just leads to jealousy and dysfunction. Being the top pitcher on a bad team with poor coaching isn’t going to help her. Practice is where you become a better player.
Aug 29, 2011
When finding the perfect fit I think you have to look beyond playing time. Look for a team with great coaching and dedicated players. She’ll learn far more even if she’s not seeing as many innings. On the successful teams players/families understand their roles and embrace them. The “pay to play” sentiment just leads to jealousy and dysfunction. Being the top pitcher on a bad team with poor coaching isn’t going to help her. Practice is where you become a better player.
This is very good advice over the long haul. I'm not sure it is applicable to guest playing for a weekend though.
Jan 24, 2009
When finding the perfect fit I think you have to look beyond playing time. Look for a team with great coaching and dedicated players. She’ll learn far more even if she’s not seeing as many innings. On the successful teams players/families understand their roles and embrace them. The “pay to play” sentiment just leads to jealousy and dysfunction. Being the top pitcher on a bad team with poor coaching isn’t going to help her. Practice is where you become a better player.

Generally good info here if 'one size fit all'. Playing time trumps this in the case of a 16u who is just now starting travel ball IMO. The importance of PT cannot be overemphasized, along with good coaching and individual instruction....for a 16U...who is just starting travel ball.
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