Researching players or parents

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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
TJ makes some really good points. Yes there were written policies in place regarding their behavior, both on and off the field, and they knew the consequences. My "brand" of travel team is family first, grades, and then comes softball and friends. We are grooming these kids to become role models and leaders. And I don't know many positive leaders that post weed pics on instagram and Facebook. Their behavior that was publicly posted was a black mark on our brand.


Feb 20, 2012
On the flip side there are coaches who dont't care which girls were up all night partying, drinking, or having sex at 15. Yet they still start those players and wonder why, after 1/2 dozen errors, the player is "off". I think there is a benefit, depending on the girls you want around your DD, to do your research.

Am I the only person who read this and instantly thought of Kelly Leake from the "Bad News Bears"? LOL
Nov 26, 2010
really?...what if your DD was hanging out at a new friends house and then it was brought to your attention that her mother was in porn movies not to long ago.....she was nice and everything, but you obviously wouldn't have a problem with her past....Us peoples point is that we would.... and the fact there may be a good chance it would affect's not much different than "out of hand" social media issues....that's why every university and professional sports team have policies about what you post and tweet....

Straw man argument alert.
Nov 29, 2009
SparkyGuy, this is exactly why you shouldn't judge people because you are dead wrong about my coaching experience. If you have ever coached kids that were "at risk" and been successful you would keep doing it. You can justify your actions with all the what ifs you want but at the end of the day, if this is truly how you see things, then you have given up on a child before you gave them a chance. If the parents turn into a problem, grow a pair and tell them how it is. My way or the highway but give the girl a chance. Coaching probably isn't your thing, try NSA, they like to snoop too.

Been coaching for over 10 years WITHOUT a kid on the team. Witnessed tons of drama during the 13 or so years the DD was playing all the way through college. As for the "if's".. It's more like been there done that.. The t-shirt sucked. Not going to repeat the same mistake.

As for the size of mine. They are quite large. At the initial parent meeting things are spelled out to the parents and the players at the same time.

Gave a questionable family a try this past season. Was warned about team hopping in the past. Got burned as the bunny went on down the trail.
May 18, 2009
I think the personal lives of the players and parents need to be treated separately from the team. What about the girls who use softball as an escape mechanism from their family life? Their softball family might be a better example for them than what they have to emulate at home.

I've seen plenty of parents that look like June and Ward Cleaver and look as though they have perfect lives. I've also seen some of those families be the largest problem behind the scene when it comes to team decisions based on playing time and position. They become the cancers of the team.

I think it's best to judge the player and parents each individually for how they act and behave within the group after you get to know them.

Besides, we already have the NSA doing plenty of spying on us!
Jun 1, 2013
Why not just slap some of those BioMetric tracking devices on them? Make sure your "brand" is being well presented everywhere they go. Or start signups when they are 3 and make sure the parents know they're on probation for the next 10 years until your 14u team starts. Heck with that, start a breeding program with boarding school. Glass houses my friends, we are all living in them. Everyone of us has done something stupid that everyone found out about. I just hope Levi Strauss doesn't find out what I did when I was 14 wearing their jeans. If Nike evr knew I was wearing their brand when I ran after that keg party was busted, I could be in deep water. Not even gonna mention Trojan, think they are used to it by now. Your scrutiny should go as far as the local high school does.
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
what's that suppose to mean?

I'm pretty sure it's a type of argument where one side kind of disregards the points of the other side, and then even distorts what the other side is saying. The net result is that his/her argument then becomes weak, as if streatching, and becomes easily defeated.
Nov 26, 2010
what's that suppose to mean?

to compare what is being talked about with porn stars living in the neighborhood is a bit like the court scene in Animal House where the Delts walk out of the hearing.

"But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!"
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