Researching players or parents

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Apr 9, 2012
Coaches should and are supposed to have background checks. Im sure we all agree on that.

And the context of what we are researching is whats being missed. If you look on a page and all you see is foul language, bullying behavior, use of alcohol, or any other self destructive behavior then its best to avoid it because it is self destructive behavior. That is a choice and only takes a quick reference check online.

And Ive waited for one of the dads or coaches who have college players to note this......Many colleges require access to all your social media to monitor it. They also monitor your history before making college offers. Some even ban student athletes from social media because it can hurt the school and softball image.

Employers will do it to these kids too-prepare them!!

if your program is designed to send kids to college then why arent you doing what the colleges are doing. We are responsible for preparing the girls for college.

I think many here are out of the loop as to what the real world does in relation to high end softball and colleges.
Jun 1, 2013
But do they ban them and/or punish them for stuff on there before they joined the team? Just because " high end" softball does something doesn't make it right. My DD plays college and they aren't too concerned but then again she is not on
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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
if your program is designed to send kids to college then why arent you doing what the colleges are doing. We are responsible for preparing the girls for college.

Well said...
And to add to it, I believe that we're just using this sport as a vehicle to teach life lessons. Things like hard work, discipline, physical fitness, and being held accountable for all actions. Both good and bad.
Jun 1, 2013
Not well said. So your position is that by not allowing a girl on your team because of her parents you are preparing her for college? I am sure you thought it sounded good but it's just not valid. Maybe you meant that by not allowing a girl on your team because she has friends that you don't approve of on her Facebook is preparing her for college. Dang that just doesn't make since either. I guess my question is how is denying a child a chance to play competitive ball because you don't approve of their electronic footprints gonna make them ready for college? You are denying them the opportunity.
Apr 9, 2012
Not well said. So your position is that by not allowing a girl on your team because of her parents you are preparing her for college? I am sure you thought it sounded good but it's just not valid. Maybe you meant that by not allowing a girl on your team because she has friends that you don't approve of on her Facebook is preparing her for college. Dang that just doesn't make since either. I guess my question is how is denying a child a chance to play competitive ball because you don't approve of their electronic footprints gonna make them ready for college? You are denying them the opportunity.

Valid point. This is were we get into selection (just like colleges do).

We have limited resources so we have to be selective about who we help. Also we have to be able to market the girls to schools.

Knowing these two things it is more feasible to focus on the best potential candidates meaning selection criteria is needed.

Also when we as coaches present players to schools we are putting our reputation on the line. If we market a girl then the school will be doing thee checks we discussed. If they find something we missed our ability to recruit is hindered as we failed to execute a need for the school.

And yes colleges and jobs will judge a candidate on past behaviors and experiences. Whether you like it or not it is and will happen.

And you are trolling Easton33.
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