Researching players or parents

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Apr 11, 2012
to compare what is being talked about with porn stars living in the neighborhood is a bit like the court scene in Animal House where the Delts walk out of the hearing.

"But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!"

oh yeah, its just like that....I know you are attempting to be cleaver and a old movie buff or something based on all those 2K+ previous posts....but I'm game, take another, better, shot please....I'm kind of bored....
Nov 29, 2009
I think the personal lives of the players and parents need to be treated separately from the team.

In an ideal world that would be great. However, in most cases problems at home carry over into the team environment.

What about the girls who use softball as an escape mechanism from their family life? Their softball family might be a better example for them than what they have to emulate at home.

Don't want to sound pessimistic. But it is usually the inverse.

I think it's best to judge the player and parents each individually for how they act and behave within the group after you get to know them.

Unfortunately, there are families whose reputation precedes them, good and bad. Again, it may not be the player, but the parent(s). As a coach I will do everything in my power to try and keep my team drama-free.
Nov 29, 2009
Why not just slap some of those BioMetric tracking devices on them? Make sure your "brand" is being well presented everywhere they go. Or start signups when they are 3 and make sure the parents know they're on probation for the next 10 years until your 14u team starts. Heck with that, start a breeding program with boarding school.

Better keep an eye on your back. The Chinese will be wondering how their secrets got out. :eek:
Nov 26, 2010
oh yeah, its just like that....I know you are attempting to be cleaver and a old movie buff or something based on all those 2K+ previous posts....but I'm game, take another, better, shot please....I'm kind of bored....

Ok how about this one. The day I let a coach decide who is fit to be around my dd is the day I stopped doing my job. If you let your kid to to a sleep over just because a coach thinks a kid is a good fit without you checking out the parents and the situation is something I would not endorse
May 25, 2010
Just about every time we get an inquiry , the first thing I do is look for them on Facebook.

Stalk much?

Much of the commentary in this thread is creepy, but I'm having a private chuckle over the fact that grown men and women are so righteously indignant about their online surveillance activities. One thing I've learned over the years is that real life people are seldom who they present themselves to be online. Negatively prejudging a player you haven't even met because of a party pic doesn't seem reasonable at all.
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Apr 11, 2012
Ok how about this one. The day I let a coach decide who is fit to be around my dd is the day I stopped doing my job. If you let your kid to to a sleep over just because a coach thinks a kid is a good fit without you checking out the parents and the situation is something I would not endorse

huh? where did that cleaver little china girl go? shouldn't have started out with "Ok how about this one".....
Jan 24, 2011
Stalk much?

Much of the commentary in this thread is creepy, but I'm having a private chuckle over the fact that grown men and women are so righteously indignant about their online surveillance activities. One thing I've learned over the years is that real life people are seldom who they present themselves to be online. Negatively prejudging a player you haven't even met because of a party pic doesn't seem reasonable at all.[/QUOTE

Whether you condone it or not , I don't really care. If it gives me some insight into the kid that is wanting to be a part of our team , then I will continue to do it. It doesn't take a lot of digging or anything like that. If they don't want to be judged on posts or pics , then they shouldn't have it out there in public for the world to see
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May 25, 2010
When adults are seeking employment, many will submit to background checks.

You want readers here to know you've got the right to do whatever you want in the best interests of your team. I get it and I'm sure others do, too. But while it's not illegal, it is unusual for an adult to conduct that sort of surveillance on a minor.

So, my question would be: Other than your announcement here, do you inform prospective players and their parents that you'll be doing a background check on them?


Jun 24, 2011
The funny thing about this thread is most kids in my neck of the woods have ditched Facebook because they don't want their online fun to be monitored by the parents.
Jun 1, 2013
oh yeah, its just like that....I know you are attempting to be cleaver and a old movie buff or something based on all those 2K+ previous posts....but I'm game, take another, better, shot please....I'm kind of bored....

huh? where did that cleaver little china girl go? shouldn't have started out with "Ok how about this one".....

I am gonna try an judge someone based on their onscreen presence on this forum. Let's see how close I can get with you Pdiddy.
1) Your on screen name is Pdiddy, everyone knows he is a celebrated rapper. You chose his name so surely you condone the messages he puts out. Drug use, premarital sex, domestic violence (he slaps hoes), and let's not forget his repeated run ins with the law.
2) Your education, while I am sure it is adequate, has to be public since cleaver is a kitchen utensil and a clever person would not have made the same misspelling twice. Since straw man theory had to be explained, you are lacking in a college education.
3) You have used " china girl" in a negative way in your post. You must be racist and a bit of a bully as the girl was used to insinuate weakness.

Is this close? Why would someone let you around their daughter? You are a racist, crime celebrating, drug use endorsing, bully that lacks the education to help my 13 y/o DD with her English homework. (I could have broke it down further but this is sufficient for my point) You tell me, is my assessment of you accurate? I have reasonably stated my conclusions and supporting facts.... I bet I am wrong though. I bet this is not who you really are but your posts are what I have to go off of. Personally I think I should get to know you before I label you.
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