Pray for DD

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Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
GLAD to hear you have an answer! best of luck going forward, I know she'll come out of this great!
LOL...she said she's had so many needles and tubes stuck in her, it doesn't even bother her anymore.
a few years ago I was in the hospital for almost a week after surgery and the opposite happened to me. the sticks didn't bother me at first but after awhile it became real annoying! tell her she has earned MY respect!
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I'm so glad that at least you know what's going I hope she continues to do well and we will continue to pray for her through the summer ordeal as well for a quick and full recovery. Please continue to keep us updated.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
We just got back from Children's Hospital and FINALLYknow what's going on with DD's health. It seems like we've been waiting forever! Without going into the details because I'd probably screw them up...DD was born with a rare kidney problem and they hadn't been able to tell for sure until recently after some nuclear imaging tests. She will require surgery but they said that they are not sure how they want to proceed with that and will let us know after they take it to their board to discuss the case (this will be the 8th time they've done that!)
The good news is that she can hold off on it until the summer if she continues to take her medication and should only be out for a couple weeks. She feels great, but it is something that needs taken care of. If she gets a fever at any time, she will have to get the surgery immediately, but because she was born with it, they feel she will be fine holding off a bit.
Thanks again for everything:)

My thoughts and prayers for you and your DD. Wish I could do more. I'm in Pa. near Phila. If ever in the 'hood' and need a beer or shoulder PM me.

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