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Jul 22, 2012
Team comes first

UGHHHHH RB...tough loss to swallow, especially up 2-0.

That was a tough loss. But if they would have won, would the vb coach playing your daughter make a difference it your decision? I am a little disappointed in three full pages of comments I didn't read any comments about what effect your daughter not being there to support her team would have on her teammates? Even if she was not playing and just sitting the bench. But when it came down to crunch time, the coach did play her. Obviously, the coach felt the team needed her contribution at that point in the tournament for them to win. Could she have turned her back on her teammates for her own self interest? If the coach from the school she was visiting found out she left her teammates at the state vb finals to go on a un-official softball visit do you think she would be okay with that decision? Maybe he or she might think well if she did it in HS she may also do it to my program at some point in college?

We had a similar situation except we were in Boulder , CO playing in the Independence Day tournament when a senior decided to skip the tournament because she had something else she wanted to do before college started. And I'm sure because she was already committed to a major D1 program she didn't feel she needed to attend. Well, when the coach of the D1 program found out her recruit did not make the trip for the tournament, she was not happy! Her comment was "she wasn't there to help her team???"

So be careful, sometimes putting ourselves before the team will comeback to bite us in the the butt. Like the old adage says, the team comes first!
Jul 2, 2013
So be careful, sometimes putting ourselves before the team will comeback to bite us in the the butt. Like the old adage says, the team comes first!

And what is your opinion about the circumstance that started this whole thread in the first place?

That being an early season volleyball game (team) versus a travel tournament for her softball team 100's of mile away.

Very little in these athletes lives fit into a nice neat moral argument you propose here.
Jul 22, 2012
And what is your opinion about the circumstance that started this whole thread in the first place?

That being an early season volleyball game (team) versus a travel tournament for her softball team 100's of mile away.

Very little in these athletes lives fit into a nice neat moral argument you propose here.

It seems in all of the discussion, the effect on the team was never mentioned, it needs to be a consideration. Obviously the vb coach expected/needed her to be there or they wouldn't have sat her for missing an earlier tournament.
Dec 7, 2011
Ya Lefty I would be right there in your camp IF the vb coach wouldn't have benched her for two weeks post the tourney. He knew she was going to have conflict (in general). He effectively said, by benching her, that "DD is not a critical". Realistically my DD is the 3rd hitter on the vb team and comes in on the first switch of the rotation. (I am still very dumb on vb rotation strategy...) I honestly think that the vb team would have been just fine without her. Why - because the rest of the team I believe is a little afraid of DD's passion and aggression in sports. The rest of the team are good "skills" players but are "rec-players" at heart. It really was amazing they went as far as they did with zero "grit" and tenacity.

After a few days here I conclude the following - This was one of those situations in life that does NOT have a right/wrong answer. It was just an uncomfortable dilemma that luckily didn't have to play out.

When we were driving to college for the official visit this last Friday DD spoke with great resolve that she would have stayed with her vb team if they would have won. I would have wanted to believe that her college coach would have understood and even rooted her on. But this is where ya just don't know what really would have happened.....
Nov 5, 2009
St. Louis MO
The Big Travel Org's and the Big High School's are at odds over these softball players. It is a tug-of-war of sorts. This bothers me more than anything as it puts the high level softball player in a terrible dilemma. I have seen it, do not like it, especially when the super player is burning the candle at both ends, and even worse when injury and wear and tear is involved.

My player prefers high school softball, over big org. travel softball. We were on a big org. travel team once, but due to the continual conflict we decided to join the travel team (much smaller) preferred by the HS coaches.

We have seen some of the past players on the high school team who much prefer the big org. travel folks. Though they are great, great softball players, my direct experience is they do not always have the best attitude (not really HS team players) in the clubhouse, or on the bus.

Wish it was not that way. Only getting worse.

Missouri makes it easy. A player cannot play on another team in the same sport while that sport is in it's high school season. Travel teams pick up guest players to fill out rosters until their players return from playoffs. The HS coach laid out a the beginning of the season that a player who is late or misses practice or a game, unless explicitely excused before had will sit out a game. He has always followed through - even for the starters.

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