potentially interesting current event....

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Aug 23, 2010
I would imagine the college coach has other recruits that play VB. Just explain that it is the STATE FINALS. If the college coach isn't 100% supportive of your DD honoring a commitment to her HS team, I would be very surprised. It doesn't matter if she is a bench player or a starter. She is on a team that has made a deep run. All hands on deck.
Jun 24, 2013
If the coach benched her, in my opinion he made the choice for you. If he has more than enough players than my concern would be even less. Now if your DD was the star of the team and the team would suffer dramatically without her, that fact might make me change my mind. But I figure if that was the case he would not have benched her for more than 1 game. Not doubting your DD's prowess at VB, just saying that it looks like the coach has already made up his mind that your DD has a ride to college so it is someone else's turn. He has already sent your DD a message that she is not wanted so tell your DD to enjoy her college trip. Now if your DD just wants to go to be a part of that experience, then I would have a talk with her college coach about the situation. Heck, they may even help make the decision also, in a good way.
Oct 4, 2011
This is a tough one. Looking at it from afar, I would say this: have your DD call up her future college coach and explain the conflict. Then go to volleyball. I would guess that this is the "expected outcome". If your DD does not fulfill her volleyball commitment, then she is in a position where she has to explain herself. She will have to explain why she is not at her volleyball game. As we've seen on this thread, this can be taken neutrally, positively or negatively - it is an unknown outcome. You want to try to avoid the unknown outcome.

Does this make any sense at all? I was at a school district level meeting last night and a big topic of conversation was "negotiated language". My head is still spinning. Interesting that SCD brought up the issue of language. In our state, the athletic department operates separately from the academic side. Coaches are not held to the same evaluation standards as the teachers, thus are not bound by the same verbal or behavioral parameters.

Looking at RB's situation more empathetically, I would be FREAKING OUT. DD hasn't signed yet, so I would be worried about repercussions from the college coach if DD doesn't attend the weekend event. I think I would still advise as above, but I don't think I would sleep until DD is officially signed. I feel for you, RB!!!!
Last edited:
Feb 7, 2013
A few years ago DD attended a summer softball camp at UCLA. During the very first meeting with the parents and campers Coach I (Inouye-Perez) made it a point to say that she is looking for multi-sport athletes and than went around the room and asked every one of her camp counselors (all current or former D1 players) how many sports they played in high school. Almost all of them played two or more sports in high school. So as others have suggested, the college softball coach is not going to punish your DD for missing a "meet and greet" as long as she explains the situation.

Her decision should have little to do with playing time and more to do with supporting her teammates and the team during their biggest VB tournament of the year.
Dec 7, 2011
A few years ago DD attended a summer softball camp at UCLA. During the very first meeting with the parents and campers Coach I (Inouye-Perez) made it a point to say that she is looking for multi-sport athletes and than went around the room and asked every one of her camp counselors (all current or former D1 players) how many sports they played in high school. Almost all of them played two or more sports in high school. So as others have suggested, the college softball coach is not going to punish your DD for missing a "meet and greet" as long as she explains the situation.

Her decision should have little to do with playing time and more to do with supporting her teammates and the team during their biggest VB tournament of the year.

Well RT you have successfully brought me back to the middle ground on this one with the way you crafted your message here.

But then as I type this I admittedly fear SOOOOO MUCH ANYTHING affecting DD's offer from her college that I may still lean towards guiding DD to not tell college coach of the dilemma and just move forward with the next stage of her life.

Argh! Where's that EZ button in life when ya need it!!!????!!!???? ;-)

I am gonna burn for all my praying for a vb loss tonight..... (I am just short of putting on the oppositions colors and sitting on their side rooting for them! lol...)


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Well RT you have successfully brought me back to the middle ground on this one with the way you crafted your message here.

But then as I type this I admittedly fear SOOOOO MUCH ANYTHING affecting DD's offer from her college that I may still lean towards guiding DD to not tell college coach of the dilemma and just move forward with the next stage of her life.

Argh! Where's that EZ button in life when ya need it!!!????!!!???? ;-)

I am gonna burn for all my praying for a vb loss tonight..... (I am just short of putting on the oppositions colors and sitting on their side rooting for them! lol...)

How bout this -

Coach, my HS VB team is the semis/finals and is scheduled to play on XXX, which would conflict w/ the scheduled recruit meet&greet/signing. As you and my HS VB coach well know, SB is my top priority and I am 100% commited to playing and contributing at good ol' insert college name here. Although I don't expect to get much VB playing time unless someone gets hurt, I would like to be there to support my VB teammates, but only if that doesn't start me off on the wrong foot and jeopardize my college SB career. What do you suggest?
Aug 9, 2013
I would never root for a loss. I think RT has it right. The college coach will understand is my guess. It won't be the first time that a recruit can't make an event because of a HS commitment. They might appreciate the commitment more.

Also, are you a verbal now? When do you sign the LOI?
Dec 7, 2011
I would never root for a loss. I think RT has it right. The college coach will understand is my guess. It won't be the first time that a recruit can't make an event because of a HS commitment. They might appreciate the commitment more.

Also, are you a verbal now? When do you sign the LOI?

Ya - DD is on verbal planning on signing next week

Note that I would never openly root for a loss (I am too competitive myself) but on the inside my subconscious conflict-avoidance side will be.....

I agree though - in an ideal world RT has nailed it.
Jun 1, 2013
My son was at a track meet this year, led first the whole way, as he was approaching the finish line he turned his head and looked backed with less than 30 yards. He tripped and fell, busted his knee, and didn't get to finish the race..... Some people can look back and not get tripped up, some people do.

State rings are hard to come by, so are scholarships. Your commitment to softball has paid dividends, keep that commitment. At the very most I would to rock this boat, is explain to future head coach and ask what her feelings on it are and go from there.
Dec 7, 2011
For those interested in my mini-drama:

My DD's 28th ranked team headed out onto the State vb court last night against the #2 ranked team.

DD's actually not benched anymore & playin!!

We proceed to win the first two sets.....

My conflict avoidance fears are becoming reality right before my very eyes.

But I am still rooting for the home team and DD is playin her heart out. (We just said at the outset - "We'll deal with the outcome,...it's time to put it all out there and go for the W !"

As I have been saying all along in other threads, NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE VALUE OF TRUE COMPETITORS, well DD's team proceeds to get lazy and slump into a complacent let-down. (Majority of the team has lots of skill but little true competitivness.)

They lose the next two sets - goes down to the final fifth set.

DD's team fights back from a bigger deficit in teh fifth set, but little too little a little too late, and they lose the final set 13-15....

Conflict avoided,......but bitter-sweet....

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