potentially interesting current event....

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Dec 7, 2011
Background :
DD is a sb player that also plays vb as her second love.
DD is probably the third best player on the vb team and is by far the most athletic and sports inclined.
DD has an invite to her verbally committed college for the 2014 recruits this Friday assuming into the weekend.
Out of nowhere her hs vb team has won sectionals and is going to state.
Quarterfinals are tomorrow (Thursday).
IF they win that (longshot) they would play semifinals on Friday.
There is the big potential conflict......

So DD's vb team will most probably lose this quarter-final match against a very highly ranked opponent. BUT if by chance they win,....holy crud are we in a potential pickle.

Now understand this wonderful detail. DD was at her tb weekend tourney in early October. That same weekend was a nonconference meet for hs vb. Well ever since DD went to this sb tourney DD has effectively been benched. I would beleive that DD will still not see any vb court time the rest of the way.

So back to the potential dilemma. IF by chance DD's hs vb team gets to the semi's,....what would you do?

Right now we are leaning towards not rocking ANY part of the college commit "boat" and we head off to the college and effectively write-off hs vb for good. (A really unfortunate end to a seniors sport season). But man it would really suck if we hear later that one of the "critical" remaining hitters on the vb team get hurt and they could have really used DD.... I have an attitude of "screw the hs coach" who holds this vendetta against DD for not choosing vb over sb,...but I know that DD feels an obligation to the other players on that team and would feel she is abandoning them.... But again the odds of getting play time, short of others injury, is zero...

Would LOVE any and all feedback - even if you want to challenge me with hard criticism :)
Jun 1, 2013
That Dennis Quaid movie, about the HS teacher that tries out for MLB, has a line on it that came to mind when I read your post.
"It's ok to do what you want to do until it is time to do what you are meant to do."
Dec 7, 2011
That Dennis Quaid movie, about the HS teacher that tries out for MLB, has a line on it that came to mind when I read your post.
"It's ok to do what you want to do until it is time to do what you are meant to do."

YES! - right there with ya.

I just want to make sure my hs "slant" is not getting in the way of the right decision.....


Feb 20, 2012
I would explain the situation to her college SB coach and ask if it would be OK for your DD to join her fellow 2014 recruits as soon as she is done with VB - whenever that may be.
Jan 17, 2013
If your daughter was getting ample playing time before the softball tourney and has since been benched, it sounds like the HC made the call for you. If your daughter was riding the bench before the SB tourney then it is a little different. If the coach had a vendetta and chose not to play your daughter so your daughter chooses not the plat VB, that is the coaches fault as far as I can see. It sounds like you do not feel that your DD's team has a chance to win state so by not being there you have not missed much. If that have a chance to win state then it is worth being there.
I can understand a coach benching a player for missing a game for foolish reasons but if it is for being at a tournament in a sport she is going to be playing in college, I would be happy for that girls despite hating she was missing the VB game.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Now understand this wonderful detail. DD was at her tb weekend tourney in early October. That same weekend was a nonconference meet for hs vb. Well ever since DD went to this sb tourney DD has effectively been benched. I would beleive that DD will still not see any vb court time the rest of the way.

.... I have an attitude of "screw the hs coach" who holds this vendetta against DD for not choosing vb over sb,...

What was the coach's policy about missing a non-conference meet for a club sport? If he agreed that players could miss meets for this sort of thing, then it's wrong to hold a vendetta. But if it was never discussed, then I would think the expectation is that you never miss a meet except for injury or emergency. I'd like to hear the details.

I would advise her to play volleyball unless the college coach suggested in any way that it could jeopardize her standing w/ her college team. If I were the college coach, I would be impressed by her loyalty to team.


Pro-Staff Everything
Oct 5, 2009
At the Jewel in San Diego
That Dennis Quaid movie, about the HS teacher that tries out for MLB, has a line on it that came to mind when I read your post.
"It's ok to do what you want to do until it is time to do what you are meant to do."

No, actually this reminds me of the scene in Pulp Fiction.

Check out the big brains on Brett!! LOL
Jul 2, 2013
Lets not blame the volleyball coach here.

You effectively put your DD on the volleyball bench for a simple travel softball tournament. Was it far away? Could you not have made the one volleyball game, and run back and forth to and from the travel softball tourney, only missing a game or two? Did you go above and beyond for your HS volleyball team?

Most high school volleyball coaches would do the same. Now that you caused this, there is no going back. You chose softball in October, so now you must choose the college softball commitment, instead of volleyball.

Just don't make it the volleyball coaches fault. People make choices all the time. Accept the consequences, and follow through consistently with that choice. When folks question you about it, don't pass blame.
Dec 7, 2011
Here is more detail & answers - and I hear ya SCD,...I don't want to crucify the vb coach until I know the whole story on DD's benching,....but I might not ever find that out since it's between DD & that coach (I've asked DD about this and she stated that everything was communicated correctly and she was surprised, a bit, by the benching. I say "a bit" only because there is a pretty well known slant the vb coach has to other travel-vb players over non travel-vb players. I belive I heard he said to DD something to the effec that "you have yer college ride, let the others get a chance.....)

So CBroker to your Q's - DD did get at least 50% play-time that includes the normal rotation in and out in vb. Not the major time getters but right thereafter.

So to your Q's Coog - So this is where I do not know the details yet. I know at the outset DD told vb coach "I am a year-round sb player and there will be some conflicts". I do not know what his "policy" is and the subject was not covered in the beginning of year parent meeting (maybe a miss on my part but I didn't care too much as I thought the team was not going to get as far as they have.....)

So SCD to your points -
Actually the comparison of the events were this - A non-conference multi-team vb meet on a Saturday where they had more than enough players .vs. the Des Moines college exposure tourney (supposedly a big college coach event). Not that we care about college coaches being there any more BUT our sb team had only 10 players and you know how dangerous that number can be with injuries. Would have hated to have other sb team members not get their exposure chance due to being short players.... DD knew she NEEDED to be there to support her sb team. The two tourneys were hundreds of miles apart otherwise we would have loved to do both.
"Did you go above and beyond for your HS volleyball team?" - Not sure I know what that means.
"don't pass the blame" - I have partial "blame" only for the preset he has on non-travel-vb players. In fact if vb coach did state to DD that inability to commit fully might find you on the bench then so be it. BUT then vb coach should not be surprised if DD needs to do her more-life-important college trip. It's just that in a perfect world I know DD would have also loved to be with her vb teammates through the whole state experience.

Those are my thoughts. I will be rooting for a win and a loss tomorrow at the same time.....

Thanks all for the couching for me on this!!
Lets not blame the volleyball coach here.

You effectively put your DD on the volleyball bench for a simple travel softball tournament. Was it far away? Could you not have made the one volleyball game, and run back and forth to and from the travel softball tourney, only missing a game or two? Did you go above and beyond for your HS volleyball team?

Most high school volleyball coaches would do the same. Now that you caused this, there is no going back. You chose softball in October, so now you must choose the college softball commitment, instead of volleyball.

Just don't make it the volleyball coaches fault. People make choices all the time. Accept the consequences, and follow through consistently with that choice. When folks question you about it, don't pass blame.

Very well said. Miss a school team tournament for a tb tourney? I can't blame the vb coach for being upset. Should the punishment still be going on? Probably not, sitting one match should be enough, IF they have discussed the reason with your DD.

It sounds like her vb career is effectively finished. However, I would sure hate to have explain to her future college coach why TB was more important than her school team.

Remember, this is coming from a school coach, (and part-time TB coach) so my opinion is probably not going to be with the majority on DFP.

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