Please don't hate me my back east friends

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Nov 6, 2013
Baja, AZ
Geez WM, I don't hate you. I'm east of you in Baja, Arizona. Highs around 70 and lows in the mid 40s here. My only complaint is we're getting rained on with all the moisture coming from Cali. All three of our December tournament were rained out. In one, we made it 2 complete innings before it got shut down. THAT bums me out. I'm jonesing for the next tourney...
Sep 17, 2009
It's 70 degrees where I am in Chicago...haven't left the house in three days : )

Now outside...
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
I wonder if that is reason why California leads in softball talent?? Year round decent outdoor weather. :) Right now, in Texas, it is wet and cold (in my book - 39 right now). I miss the sun. I miss the bleachers. I miss caffeine (quit this week). I digress...been a rough week!

Nasty here on the SW side of Houston, but we managed to get in the first field practice Wednesday night and everything looks good to go for the final tryout tomorrow afternoon.


Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
it has been cold the last few days...I had to switch from flip flops to fuzzy slippers because my toesies were getting chilly. Shorts and T shirt are intact though.

And to my tundra brothers I will have you know that it actually snowed at my house here in SoCal a couple of weeks ago. Just a few flakes, but it was snow....the valley close to us (Temecula) got a good 6 inches, it was surreal. It actually made the drive on the 5 from Fallbrook to Lake Elsinore look idyllic.
Feb 7, 2013
Geez WM, I don't hate you. I'm east of you in Baja, Arizona. Highs around 70 and lows in the mid 40s here. My only complaint is we're getting rained on with all the moisture coming from Cali. All three of our December tournament were rained out. In one, we made it 2 complete innings before it got shut down. THAT bums me out. I'm jonesing for the next tourney...

Believe it or not even though we have been in a drought for years, our last SoCal tournament in Mid-December was rained out. Make-up tournament is this weekend and of course there is a chance of rain (maybe 1/4 of an inch) that will put the tournament director into a frenzy and likely shutdown all play on championship Sunday. Never could understand how most of the country can play softball during rain storms and even snow flurries, but in LA, if one drop of water lands on the infield, game cancelled!
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Believe it or not even though we have been in a drought for years, our last SoCal tournament in Mid-December was rained out. Make-up tournament is this weekend and of course there is a chance of rain (maybe 1/4 of an inch) that will put the tournament director into a frenzy and likely shutdown all play on championship Sunday. Never could understand how most of the country can play softball during rain storms and even snow flurries, but in LA, if one drop of water lands on the infield, game cancelled!

Yeah, around here a little rain during a tournament means they don't have to water down the infield between games. It takes strong downpours, flooded fields, lightning or tornadoes to stop play. (One of DD #3's teammates is still having her house redone after a tornado last year).

The rec leagues are different. In the fall, the girls play at the local LL park, which has a groundskeeper who is very picky. Games get rained out a lot.

In the spring, the girls play at the local HS fields, so the officials can make whatever call they want.

Once, in a spring game, some of us went out with all sorts of garden tools to try to get the water off the field. I even dug a canal to drain third base. Just as we were finishing up draining the field, it started raining again. So, the LL officials called off the game.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Around here, sometimes they will call games if it gets too hot, and hot is defined differently up north. I grew up in Arkansas, where we used to play basketball all afternoon in the summer in 100 degree weather.

One time DD #1's rec league coach called a practice when it was about 100 degrees. DD #1 didn't want to go, until I reminded her that she was born in Arkansas, and the first summer she was alive it often got above 105. She and the coaches DD were the only girls at the practice.

A few days later, another team forfeited a double header because it was over 95. DD #1 was ready to play.

DD #3's TB coach grew up in the south, and makes sure the kids are ready for hot weather. She will often have practices in the hottest part of the day to make sure the girls are used to the heat. The very first tournament they played in, it was in the 90s during the Sunday playoff games. DD's team ran around the field to warm up before the game, while the other team tried to cool off in their dugout. During that game, the other teams starting pitcher almost fainted from the heat. DD's team won that tournament.
Mar 20, 2012
Sacramento, CA
Not that bad here. A sizzling +4 today, headed down to -10 tonight. Yesterday was bad.

They didn't close the schools in Madison, though. There were Wind Chill Advisories from the National Weather Service, which means wind chills -20 to -34. They ONLY close schools here if there is a Wind Chill Warning, meaning -35 or lower.

One time I took a business trip to England, balmy and sunny mid-50s. It was about -20 in Madison, with a wind chill of aobut -40 or -50. When I landed at O'Hare, it had warmed up to -8 in Chicago. My earlier flight had been cancelled because of cold weather in Chicago. I was dressed for England. They put me in seat 1A on the flight to Madison. We had to go outside and climb up steps to the plane. I was right by the door, which was open for an hour before they could jump-start the plane. By the time I got to Madison, it was -10. I had parked outside. My shoes were developing holes in them. The locks on my car had frozen shut. It took me about half an hour, -10 and WINDY, not dressed for the weather, for me to open my car. First thing I did was take off my shoes and put my feet against the car heater for about half an hour before driving home, and my feet were still cold.

Why in the world do intelligent people choose, of their own free will, to live in places that are incapable of supporting human life?

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