Please don't hate me my back east friends

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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
School closed Thursday due to wind chill being -25. School closed today because even though it was 13 degrees, we got 5" of snow in about 6 hours this morning with wind gusts to 25 mph. Tomorrow, actual temps are -6 in the morning with a wind chill down around -45 at times depending on the wind gusts. I sure wish I still lived in South Florida. At least it's in the 40's down there.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Not that bad here. A sizzling +4 today, headed down to -10 tonight. Yesterday was bad.

They didn't close the schools in Madison, though. There were Wind Chill Advisories from the National Weather Service, which means wind chills -20 to -34. They ONLY close schools here if there is a Wind Chill Warning, meaning -35 or lower.

One time I took a business trip to England, balmy and sunny mid-50s. It was about -20 in Madison, with a wind chill of aobut -40 or -50. When I landed at O'Hare, it had warmed up to -8 in Chicago. My earlier flight had been cancelled because of cold weather in Chicago. I was dressed for England. They put me in seat 1A on the flight to Madison. We had to go outside and climb up steps to the plane. I was right by the door, which was open for an hour before they could jump-start the plane. By the time I got to Madison, it was -10. I had parked outside. My shoes were developing holes in them. The locks on my car had frozen shut. It took me about half an hour, -10 and WINDY, not dressed for the weather, for me to open my car. First thing I did was take off my shoes and put my feet against the car heater for about half an hour before driving home, and my feet were still cold.
Apr 11, 2012
Yes....we all hate you....and we get it, you get great weather in SoCal bragger (JK)....but here in the Mid-West don't have to pay $10.00 for #1 combo at Mickey D's's been freaking cold here in Kansas City the last few days but back in the mid 30's tomorrow, which is still dang cold, I know ....but it's yet to snow this season, which happens 2 or 3 times a year....our weather gets nice around St. Patrick's Day for the most part....

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