Playing days are officially done. Major life events.

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Gear Empress
Mar 10, 2016
Just behind home plate
My playing days have been officially done since like early to mid-June. My final season was a very emotional one for me. I did a lot of thinking. a lot of crying. A lot of praying. I'd still like to coach someday. There were a lot of ups and downs during my last season. But I'm excited to start going to medical school at Penn State in August.

I got married on Independence Day. A beautiful wedding day in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Honeymooned in beautiful South Florida. Just got home from our honeymoon and we're starting to renovate our new home in Harrisburg while living in our apartment. But...I learned something else and I wanted to wait to announce it to you guys, my DFP family when almost all danger was past. Around mid-season, I learned I was pregnant. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out. I was nervous about going to my doctor and my OB for baby appointments. I didn't say anything to my coaches because I knew I would have been pulled from playing and I didn't want to miss out on my final season. That was stupid of me...I know. But, I've also found out I'm carrying twins. I found that out during my 12-week appointment. Soon, we'll be finding out the gender of the babies. Who knows...maybe we'll have a couple of beasts on our hands. The first person I told when I found out was my husband. Then, I told my younger sister. She had gone through a pregnancy, herself. She was ecstatic to be an aunt again. My parents and my in-laws were a different story because I was scared to tell them the news. I'm currently 18 weeks along now and my belly looks like I swallowed a volleyball.

Some people I need to thank from my playing days. @CoreSoftball20 you did a great job at turning me on to deals and turning me into the bat diva I became. @ANNASDAD for telling stories of Anna's journey into softball and just general glove discussion. The off-topic thread became a lot of fun because of you and Core and many others who contributed not just about softball but guns, music, cars, and barbecuing. @RADcatchers who I have the most to thank for helping my technique as a catcher and teaching me nuances I never knew about the position. @EricF for sharing Maddie's journey. Hoping everything is going well for her. She should either be a senior in high school or a freshman in college by now. And most importantly I want to thank everyone who contributed some piece of advice or whatever during my softball journey. There are just too many of you to mention and quite a few have left the boards.

If this isn't the right place for this. Please let me know and I'll move this post.
Jun 4, 2024
My playing days have been officially done since like early to mid-June. My final season was a very emotional one for me. I did a lot of thinking. a lot of crying. A lot of praying. I'd still like to coach someday. There were a lot of ups and downs during my last season. But I'm excited to start going to medical school at Penn State in August.

I got married on Independence Day. A beautiful wedding day in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Honeymooned in beautiful South Florida. Just got home from our honeymoon and we're starting to renovate our new home in Harrisburg while living in our apartment. But...I learned something else and I wanted to wait to announce it to you guys, my DFP family when almost all danger was past. Around mid-season, I learned I was pregnant. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out. I was nervous about going to my doctor and my OB for baby appointments. I didn't say anything to my coaches because I knew I would have been pulled from playing and I didn't want to miss out on my final season. That was stupid of me...I know. But, I've also found out I'm carrying twins. I found that out during my 12-week appointment. Soon, we'll be finding out the gender of the babies. Who knows...maybe we'll have a couple of beasts on our hands. The first person I told when I found out was my husband. Then, I told my younger sister. She had gone through a pregnancy, herself. She was ecstatic to be an aunt again. My parents and my in-laws were a different story because I was scared to tell them the news. I'm currently 18 weeks along now and my belly looks like I swallowed a volleyball.

Some people I need to thank from my playing days. @CoreSoftball20 you did a great job at turning me on to deals and turning me into the bat diva I became. @ANNASDAD for telling stories of Anna's journey into softball and just general glove discussion. The off-topic thread became a lot of fun because of you and Core and many others who contributed not just about softball but guns, music, cars, and barbecuing. @RADcatchers who I have the most to thank for helping my technique as a catcher and teaching me nuances I never knew about the position. @EricF for sharing Maddie's journey. Hoping everything is going well for her. She should either be a senior in high school or a freshman in college by now. And most importantly I want to thank everyone who contributed some piece of advice or whatever during my softball journey. There are just too many of you to mention and quite a few have left the boards.

If this isn't the right place for this. Please let me know and I'll move this post.
🙂 Fantastic Journey! Congratulations! All that softball /college time management skills will certainly come in handy for you! Stay well!


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Gabby, congratulations. My dd just had twins. A boy and a girl. They are precious. The girl is a fireball. The boy is chill. The girl weighed just at 8 lbs. The boy was a little over 7. Both were 20 inches long. That isn't the norm for twins. My daughter carried them until one day under 38 weeks. We are only hitting a couple of days a week right now since I am giving them a little time to get acclimated to life. In a month or two, we will ramp it up some. Again, CONGRATULATIONS.
Apr 1, 2017

I have twin girls. The one was a pitcher, the other a catcher. Made practicing easier, when they didn't want to kill each other.....
May 29, 2015
We always try to hang on to where we are at, it is human nature. We often forget that the joys of the future are out there.

Congratulations and welcome to the next stages of life! You are going to have ample opportunities to pay your good fortunes forward!

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