Pictures of pitchers feet

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Nov 26, 2010
I had an ump come up to me mid game and tell me the other team had video of my pitcher and they said she was crow hopping. He then went on to tell me he watched the video and it didn't look like crow hopping to him. Then he says, "so just tell your pitcher to be careful"

I told him I wasn't going to tell her a thing and if she crow hops and he calls it, then I will tell her.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I had an ump come up to me mid game and tell me the other team had video of my pitcher and they said she was crow hopping. He then went on to tell me he watched the video and it didn't look like crow hopping to him. Then he says, "so just tell your pitcher to be careful"

I told him I wasn't going to tell her a thing and if she crow hops and he calls it, then I will tell her.

Very smart of you!
Oct 4, 2011
Very smart of you, Chinamigarden! That's strange that the umpire would watch a video - kind of unprofessional. The sun is out and the fields are drying, so I'm feeling better about things. I agree that the IPs either need to be called consistently or the rules need to be changed.

I've also observed, as GD has, the high number of balks and IP called on the baseball boys (12U, in my son's case). The baseball umps always give a warning the first time a pitcher does it, even if he is the 3d pitcher in a game and the previous two both got IP or balk warnings. It's a nice system.

As much as I hate it when guys and gals are compared.... what is the rule with men's softball? Same IP rules or different? The guys sure look like they're replanting in most of the videos I've seen.

BTW - my snow-day college softball game of choice last night was Michigan vs. Iowa - I love how Michigan plays their fight song after every single hit or run scored. I've had that song stuck in my head all day :)
Apr 9, 2012
use of video or electronic devices on the field is it and discussed it w a uic once. Whose got documentation?

Tactics to get into kids heads is common. Had a dad assault me thinking it would frustrate my girls in a championship game. It pissed them off and they run ruled them.......i was proud.
Jul 17, 2008
Southern California

My DD at 10U and now in college. This is a problem that we have been dealing with --forever. In a game 2 weeks ago she had an umpire watching her feet on every pitch and must have been called at least 15 times in 3 innings. It was horrible to sit and watch.
Then last weekend not one illegal pitch call. Different umpires. This problem was not fixed in one week, at this point I am not sure that it will ever be totally fixed because it's been going on so long. I think that there are a LOT of pitchers that do this, more than ever get called in a game.
To me there is no advantage to a leap like this. But if its a rule of the game it should be called EVERY TIME and maybe that means placing an umpire in a position to only do that job. Otherwise get rid of the rule totally.

It's the mental distress caused by the rule being enforced intermittently is what I see as the problem. That's my .02.
May 13, 2012
I can not agree with making crow hop\ replant legal at all. The rules should be enforced the same and consistantly.
As others said teach them to pitch correctly and by the rules then enforcment is seldom necessary.
May 18, 2009
View attachment 3931View attachment 3932

My DD at 10U and now in college. This is a problem that we have been dealing with --forever. In a game 2 weeks ago she had an umpire watching her feet on every pitch and must have been called at least 15 times in 3 innings. It was horrible to sit and watch.
Then last weekend not one illegal pitch call. Different umpires. This problem was not fixed in one week, at this point I am not sure that it will ever be totally fixed because it's been going on so long. I think that there are a LOT of pitchers that do this, more than ever get called in a game.
To me there is no advantage to a leap like this. But if its a rule of the game it should be called EVERY TIME and maybe that means placing an umpire in a position to only do that job. Otherwise get rid of the rule totally.

It's the mental distress caused by the rule being enforced intermittently is what I see as the problem. That's my .02.

Love that second photo. Her drive off looks similar to my older DD. That is unfortunate she gets called for that little bit of lift off. They changed our HS rules this year. The girls can have one foot off the rubber. These changes drive me nuts.


I think the posture of the body plays a great deal with pitching. The placement of your feet can affect the pitching as well. So I guess placing the feet in a way that became advantageous was the reason for taking the pics.
Nov 14, 2011
So we want to legalize an IP because umpires refuse to enforce the rules? Should we also legalize shaved bats also while we are at it?
Jul 1, 2010
As a pitcher's dad I don't care what the rules are, just enforce them. And yes, DD has been called for IP. Team parents were very upset until I told them that I agreed with the umpire. (I had already quietly commented to DW that after the tournie IPs were on the list of things to work on next week)

DD asked Blue a few questions to clarify what she was doing wrong, made the correction and moved on, but for some it can become a very emotional experience so umpires plz get on board, know the rules and enforce them consistently. JMHO

As an aside, it seems the better she is throwing the more IP comments she hears from opposing parents and coaches. :rolleyes:

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