Physical Fitness Test

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Nov 19, 2020
What things did your daughters' school test for physical fitness to start the season? We were given a list of specific things (with benchmarks that need to be met) that were new to us so interested how they compare to other programs. Coach/program is established and have their routine while getting the results they want so we are happy they gave a few months to get ready before testing day.
Apr 20, 2018
This is college, correct?
Would love to know the benchmarks that need to be met. Squat your weight 10 times? Run a mile under 8 minutes?
What happens if number 1 pitcher fails to bench her weight????
Dec 2, 2013
I know one coach made them run 20 gasers (100 yards each leg) within a certain time frame. They had to be able to do it in order to "start" games in the fall. This coach was subsequently fired and was a certified nut job. That was the hardest I have heard of. My DD wasn't given any benchmarks or summer work outs.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
What things did your daughters' school test for physical fitness to start the season? We were given a list of specific things (with benchmarks that need to be met) that were new to us so interested how they compare to other programs. Coach/program is established and have their routine while getting the results they want so we are happy they gave a few months to get ready before testing day.
As already asked, is the HS or college? We have a school in our area that does this. They had a new coach who was going to "turn the program around." Their "star" who was really good and I coached her in the summer was told that she had to run a 7-minute mile. In no way could she do that. She was a catcher/1B who hit bombs. It became a joke with the team when this young lady ran her 7-minute mile. (Not close) The coach lost credibility instantly. Now, that school is lucky to get enough out to field a team.
Nov 19, 2020
As already asked, is the HS or college?
This is the College Softball forum.... Yeah, I am talking NCAA D1.
This team does not joke about their standards-- they have a board with each player's metrics prominently posted. We were shown it during the visit.
Running the mile is on the list, # pushups, pullups, sit-ups, pro shuttle are a few others.

My daughter is one of the purer athletes/workout warriors around but it still has us worried since it is so different.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
DD's school put players through a series of sprints, shuttle runs, and stair climbs that quickly identified those who weren't ready. One freshman couldn't get through it, never practiced, and left mid-way through the semester. Morning workouts were no joke. Some of the stuff I felt was a season-ending injury waiting to happen. DD sometimes talked about people throwing up...usually those who didn't exercise good judgement about what they ate prior to a workout. Despite all that, most everyone got through it in one piece, including those who looked less than athletic.

If your kid is a legit "workout warrior", I can't imagine that she'll have much trouble.
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Nov 19, 2020
How many pull ups?
My guess is half of the top 10 pitchers in the country could not run a 7 minute mile or do more than 2 pull ups.
3 was the fewest pull-ups on the team board with several 15+.
8 minutes is the maximum allowed mile time to be on the roster but several girls had 5:15 -5:59.
This team is built for speed -- definitely one of the quickest teams in the country. So lots of 20 yd timings too.

I know for sure that the top HS pitcher in the country can run a 6:30 mile.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
This is the College Softball forum.... Yeah, I am talking NCAA D1.
This team does not joke about their standards-- they have a board with each player's metrics prominently posted. We were shown it during the visit.
Running the mile is on the list, # pushups, pullups, sit-ups, pro shuttle are a few others.

My daughter is one of the purer athletes/workout warriors around but it still has us worried since it is so different.
I read all posts by looking at "New Posts." I didn't notice that it was in the College Softball Forum.
May 16, 2016
3 was the fewest pull-ups on the team board with several 15+.
8 minutes is the maximum allowed mile time to be on the roster but several girls had 5:15 -5:59.
This team is built for speed -- definitely one of the quickest teams in the country. So lots of 20 yd timings too.

I know for sure that the top HS pitcher in the country can run a 6:30 mile.

15+ pullups is really good for any human, male or female. That is pretty impressive to me. I would feel confident saying that less than 1% of females can do 15 pullups.

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