our team losses a lot!

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Oct 10, 2011
So, this is our first year on an 18U A team that lost it's best pitcher right before we came because they had a hard time getting along with the HC. We play some pretty darn good teams and rarely get run ruled, but in the end we usually lose. One of our pitchers said she might leave despite loving her team mates and coaches because she is going to be a senior and wants to play in college, but with a losing record, feels like no one will take her seriously. Our HC has a VERY strong personality and many have a hard time dealing with him, so when he brings in people to try out, we think his screaming etc...turns them off, as well as the losing record:) The AC on the other hand is one of the nicest guys I've ever met and has a wealth of knowledge to offer. Unfortunately too, if she leaves, her best friend (our #1 pitcher) will leave too. Everyone is trying to find pitchers, but it never pans out.
So, if you were learning a boat load from your team, but losing constantly, what would you do? DD already made it clear that as long as the AC is there, she will be there. She's also a 2016 and not under as much pressure in her college search.
Jun 24, 2013
If the games are close and there is pressure on the Players to perform with the game on the line I am OK losing more than winning. Losing by 5 runs every game is no fun and I am not sure is teaches the players anything good.

Edit: DD’s Team finished right at .500 this year, we won and lost a lot of close games so I think it worked out good.
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Oct 10, 2011
One more point I made to my wife when she asked me about it. I said that because of our pitching, our fielders are under a lot of pressure. I think that is good for DD to learn those situations and to get used to the pressure.
We are below .500 in 18U A play:( Coach said he won't even consider B.
Jan 27, 2010
If your DD is not the pitcher, I'd think they would rather get more reps in front of the coaches. If you have a lights out pitcher and a coach comes to see a SS who never has to do anything did you get any benefit?
Oct 10, 2011
If your DD is not the pitcher, I'd think they would rather get more reps in front of the coaches. If you have a lights out pitcher and a coach comes to see a SS who never has to do anything did you get any benefit?

There are always girls on base, and they don't play for us LOL!
Feb 22, 2013
My dd played for a .500 18U team this year. She really liked the girls and they lost a lot of games that they could have won if they could have got their bats going. My dd enjoyed this year more than the previous three years because this years team never once had to worry about players not showing up to tournaments. Not once did her team have to pick up younger, inexperienced players to try to fill in for last minute player cancellation or no shows.

In years past, every weekend was a recruiting weekend.

I asked my dd what she wanted to do next year and she said that she would like to stay with the girls who stuck it out every game this year. Sure they will play a few less games, but she will have fun playing with the friends that she has made.

Good luck in your daughters decision.
She's also a 2016 and not under as much pressure in her college search.

As long as she is doing her homework and contacting coaches and letting them know where she is playing at and what she has been doing then she should be fine. They are there to watch her not to see the scoreboard. And just incase you didn't know, coaches are already having girls verbal for 2017.

Is your DD working on her recruiting?

It's alot of work!! ugh:)
Jun 11, 2013
While I wouldn't recommend trying to find a bad team to play on, it can actually work to your advantage. You get more plays to show off your skills, you likely will bat 3-4,etc. It sounds like your DD has a great attitude. Make sure she always stays positive on the field towards her team. Coaches obviously want players that can hit,catch,run throw, but many also value attitude highly. A diving play when you are down 10-1 can really stick in a coaches mind.
Oct 10, 2011
As long as she is doing her homework and contacting coaches and letting them know where she is playing at and what she has been doing then she should be fine. They are there to watch her not to see the scoreboard. And just incase you didn't know, coaches are already having girls verbal for 2017.

Is your DD working on her recruiting?

It's alot of work!! ugh:)

We just started the recruiting process...it really is a lot of work!
Jul 26, 2010
If you're winning the majority of your games, you're not playing good enough competition. Winning only matters in college unfortunately. That said, the girls get the chance to learn to be part of a team who's goal is to win in high school ball.


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