My soccer playing daughter's first AB in 4 years

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Mar 25, 2011
True on the mental mistakes. Even with a popup, where the ball is nicely floating around two players and they can't figure out which one of them could have caught it with their eyes, closed and behind the back! It's a hit. I just looked it up, and I must say, I have been shortchanging my daughters team a bit, and for that I almost feel bad. However, I also have confidence that her teammates and her can step on any field at any time, and hold up to their batting averages, and if you use the benefit of the doubt rule that softball has, I think those averages start to crumble when playing good teams.
Feb 24, 2015
She hasn't seen any future D1 pitching yet but she's batting .909 now and has 12 stolen bases (just 3 games), but it will be interesting to see how she plays over the next 4 years.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
So, in the books... is this a hit or an error?
In my opinion, this looks like an error. Pitcher had fielded the ball and had plenty of time to make a throw, but first base was nowhere to be found. She hadn't even really crashed for a drag bunt, she was apparently standing in no-man's land and couldn't move her feet back to the bag in time to deal with a speedy runner.

Perhaps it was 2nd's responsibilty to cover first on this particular play, and if so... even worse than first, where was 2nd, not even in the picture!

It is a hit and there is no question about it. You can't assume on a play.

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