Illegal pitchs-Florida/UCLA

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Mar 13, 2010
They were with out a doubt IP's, not questioning that. Just questioning the timing. I agree the umps are doing a good job. Although if your going to call IP's they need to call all of them and they are not.

ASAPAump I disagree, they have let alot slide. I wish I new were to find the stats.

Nevertheless I believe the umps are doing what their superiors ordered. My argument is with the NCAA not strictly following their own rules throughout the year. In reality I think it's a stupid rule and believe it should be changed. I don't see it helping the pitcher at all.

Arizona led the PAC 10 in IP's this past season with 10. Two AZ pitchers were 1st&2nd on the list, Fowler with 6 IP's and Akamine with 4 IP's.
Mar 22, 2010
ASAPAump.....well put! Could not have said it better myself.

Want to see how the "best of the best" do U3 in the AZ/TN game, he's got the AZ HC in his face about the IP's, kept hIs composure like a true professional, AND he's got the backbone, guts, and integrity to call 2 more IP's that sent TN runners in from third base to score.
ESPN had great replay shots of the IP's, those my friends were leaps. no doubt about it.

I agree. I know many have said they umps are out to get the pitchers but Arizona's pitcher was just making their point for them. She was blatently obvious in leaping with both feet off the ground by 4 or 5 inches sometimes.
By the way Ivy Renfroe, who is pitching for TN, pitched for Trinity High School (a private school) year before last when our public highschool defeated them for the state title. It makes me proud to know that our girls hit off her when she is striking them out right and left at this level of competition. She has 2 other sisters that are just as good as she is. A very talented family.
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Feb 26, 2010
Crazyville IL
On a serious note, lets hope that the aptly described display of professionalism, backbone, guts and integrity inspires some of the umps that have been letting IP's slide in youth ball in our area for the last couple years. As frustrating as it might be in this years WCWS to see this many calls, it is with out a doubt, the ONLY thing that is going to fix the problem. Clearly the situation of the moment shows that 'if' they aren't getting called on it. They aren't going to fix it.

Keep calling it in the NCAA. Start calling it at all levels of youth. Let's not raise another generation of players that are incapable of playing by the rules.
Mar 18, 2010
On a serious note, lets hope that the aptly described display of professionalism, backbone, guts and integrity inspires some of the umps that have been letting IP's slide in youth ball in our area for the last couple years. As frustrating as it might be in this years WCWS to see this many calls, it is with out a doubt, the ONLY thing that is going to fix the problem. Clearly the situation of the moment shows that 'if' they aren't getting called on it. They aren't going to fix it.

Keep calling it in the NCAA. Start calling it at all levels of youth. Let's not raise another generation of players that are incapable of playing by the rules.

Amen! You hit the nail on the head.
Jan 27, 2010
I also agree that IPs should be called at all levels. But let's be consistent beginning at the first of the season as they started and then backed away in their own memo after some many IPs were called. They let it slide all year after that until the regionals.
Mar 18, 2010
I also agree that IPs should be called at all levels. But let's be consistent beginning at the first of the season as they started and then backed away in their own memo after some many IPs were called. They let it slide all year after that until the regionals.

Let's get the story straight. The memo said to give the benefit of the doubt to the pitcher, and not to guess. NOT to back off calling IP's. Dee just wanted to make sure that the umps were following the "Until the pitch is illegal, it's legal." In other words, if you're not sure, then it's legal.
Sep 6, 2009
State of Confusion
They have been cracking down on IP all year. They will be especially hard on it at this WCWS. Problem is , even with all the IPs called, pitchers still throw a lot of IPs. They stop for a few pitches, then start again as they begin pushing it again.

It can take the wind out of a team, but honestly UCLA just plain beat the snot out Florida anyway. Period. Might have contributed to 6 runs, but what about the other 10???
Oct 19, 2009
My daughter’s pitching coach advises, that a leap and or crow hop in the pitching motion places a great deal of strain on the back and legs. He advises that pitchers that have used this motion have had a problem with back and leg injuries. He advised that he has been an advocate for 30 plus years to stick to the rules on illegal pitching motions that could cause harm to the athlete.

I have seen articles posted here where doctors have advised that they have seen an increase of injuries to the windmill picture due to over use. A doctor whose kid takes lesson the same place my daughter does, told us last week a movement is underway to limit the number of pitches a pitcher can throw in a given time as in baseball.

My wife works for a manufacturing company that closely monitors employees for repetitive motion injuries due to improper motion. Employees are trained on correct motions and held accountable if the companies rules are not followed, some have lost their jobs.

Why would the same not apply to our athletes, if leaping and or crow hopping increases injuries why would we not want it stopped to protect the pitchers?

I certainly have no proof that this cause injuries, I’m just relying on the experience of my daughters pitching coach.
Jan 27, 2010
Let's get the story straight. The memo said to give the benefit of the doubt to the pitcher, and not to guess. NOT to back off calling IP's. Dee just wanted to make sure that the umps were following the "Until the pitch is illegal, it's legal." In other words, if you're not sure, then it's legal.

So, you're saying Fowler,Akamine and Strombacher quit throwing IPs and began throwing them again in the WCWS. After 30 IPs were called against Jordan Taylor of MIchigan the umps backed off after the memo. The Memo may not have instructed the umps but the message was clear and the umps backed off. Jordan Taylor was clearly illegal on 90% of her pitchs all year, but was not called very often. This is the straight story. The numbers don't lie. They backed off, period.

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