Infield Fly runner kept running - interference?

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Dec 15, 2018
Umpire is just watching the play. No LBR call.

How many umpires were there? It reads like there was only one...which gets back to the point regarding the shortage.

If there were 2, this could have / should have been resolved.

I occasionally work with sub-standard partners...I'm still glad they're there.

And we could go anecdote for anecdote about bad calls, bad coaching, bad parenting - it's not clear your example proves the "state of umpiring is terrible", anymore than my stories from a game last night show the state of coaching is terrible (and the state of parenting...yikes).
Mar 1, 2013
From a registration/training standpoint and speaking only of USA softball (since that's my sole registration these days) - all of the registration/training is done at the local level. I register with USA of PA through my local district UIC. The National leaves it to the states, that leaves it to the districts, which leaves it to the local association for training. There are clinics and camps offered at all different levels. I've attended a National Umpire School, Regional clinics, and several local meetings. However, the overwhelming majority of my training has been hands on and mentorship from more seasoned guys. Personally, for ASA/USA, the only time I took a graded umpire exam was at the national school.

As for NFHS - I have looked into it. At least with PA (PIAA is the state association), to sign up to be an umpire, you have to do the registration, pass the background checks, and pass an exam before they will send you the patch for your shirt. The only reason I haven't signed up so far is that the game times don't work with my day job.

A lot of words to say that when it comes to issues with your local umpires, the best way to deal with it is with evaluations provided to the local association/assignors. I've made some changes in my game (for the better) after conversations with my assignors based on feedback they received. There is no magic button to press that will flood the market with qualified umpires. Nationally, there is a shortage of officials across all of the amature sports. Lots of reasons that have been hashed out over and over.
May 29, 2015
Good morning Mr. Bear,

Reach out to any of the members of the national staff at USA Softball and ask how to go about becoming an umpire.

We'd love to have you.

I used to like this approach, but I’m not sure I do anymore. People who are too closed-minded and just want something done have the same problem mindset as umpires who don’t want to make calls or want to call their own MSU rules.
Apr 1, 2017
Not specifically softball related, but to try and deal with the shortage, IHSA (Illinois) now has a program for 15 and 16 year olds to be licensed. They have to work with someone older (17+), and can only doing freshman games. But still, you could have a 15 year old as part of crew working a freshman game.
May 29, 2015
Not specifically softball related, but to try and deal with the shortage, IHSA (Illinois) now has a program for 15 and 16 year olds to be licensed. They have to work with someone older (17+), and can only doing freshman games. But still, you could have a 15 year old as part of crew working a freshman game.
Where I could see this belong immensely is in middle school ball, as they could work those games.
Jul 19, 2021
I used to like this approach, but I’m not sure I do anymore. People who are too closed-minded and just want something done have the same problem mindset as umpires who don’t want to make calls or want to call their own MSU rules.
Boy oh boy you sure made a lot of blanket assumptions about me right there. Classy.
Jul 19, 2021
Good morning Mr. Bear,

Reach out to any of the members of the national staff at USA Softball and ask how to go about becoming an umpire.

We'd love to have you.

We are currently SHORT 30-40 umpires in my local area. No one is investing in umpiring and the number of new umpires is close to zero (and most don't last more than a few weeks)

Feel free to help reduce that number.
It is nice to see that there isn't a disagreement with my statement in all of this!! Good that we agree on the current state of umpire quality.
Jul 19, 2021
The common refrain is "You do it."
I guess these same umps run for office if they voice a complaint about the current state of politics in this country? Or surely they will open a restaurant if they complain about bad food? ;)


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
It is nice to see that there isn't a disagreement with my statement in all of this!! Good that we agree on the current state of umpire quality.
When you are this short, yeah, there are people out there that no one WANTS to use... but hy everyone still wants to play right?
As I have also said, there is enough ex-umpires out there - good ones - that have been run off, to make a significant amount of dent in the current deficit. But even they wont make a long term difference.

Are we also agreed that you are not offering any solutions or willing to be part of any solution?

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