How would you handle this situation?

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Jul 26, 2015
Girls parents called the coach and said we are with you 100% But we are taking her to this other tryout just to shut a friend up .
How would you handle this ?

Note: this other team is their biggest rival
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Girls parents called the coach and said we are with you 100% But we are taking her to this other tryout just to shut a friend up .
How would you handle this ?

Note: this other team is their biggest rival

Not worry about it. I was looking for a player when I found her, they are a dime a dozen.
Jul 25, 2015
Absolutely nothing. At least the parents were upfront with the coach and let their intentions be known.
Apr 26, 2015
Shouldn't be a problem. We actually did this with DDs coach. DD wants to play for her team. No questions asked. But she was invited to tryouts for 3 other teams and she wanted to go - just to see how she stacked up. Never a question of if she would leave her team. We were upfront with her coach and let him know that if he heard rumors not to pay any attention to them. I also think it is good experience for the girls (at least at the younger ages) to try out for different teams so when the time comes when they NEED to try out it won't be a new and scary experience.
Jun 12, 2015
I've had a lot of experienced TB parents tell me to take my kid to lots of tryouts even if we know where we want to go. I think that must be pretty common. I don't think I'd worry about it since they told you up front.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
irls parents called the coach and said we are with you 100% But we are taking her to this other tryout just to shut a friend up .
How would you handle this ?

Week 1 of season: Coach, we're with you 1000%!
Week 2: Coach, you've made a few ignorant moves, but we love you! Our support for you has only slightly dropped to 700%.
Week 3: Uh...well, we still really like you. That last game you were really, really odd. Our support for you is down to 250%
Week 4: Coach, you're a great guy. But, because we only support you 100%, we have to change teams.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Girls parents called the coach and said we are with you 100% But we are taking her to this other tryout just to shut a friend up .
Maybe knowing that the 'softball world' is a small circle. They were explaining before the word gets back to you, the coach.
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
It's actually not a bad thing to get to other tryouts with your kid. They get to know other coaches, have opportunities for pick-up play and if things go south they can find a team. Plus they meet new friends in the softball world. Instead of facing them on the field, they get to stand in line next to them and get to know each other.

I have encouraged several people to go to several tryouts just for the experience.

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