High School Stats

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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
The coaches I send stats to for the girls only get tb stats and we give them a schedule of tourneys and showcases if they want to see for them selves.
The guys I've spoken with really don't care too much for hs stats for a variety of reasons.
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Oct 10, 2011
High School Stats are for the most part irrelevant. There are some exceptions like when a pitcher gets 200k's in 98 1/3 innings it will get some attention. But she will be the first to say "It was High School!". College coaches know that more often than not the books are cooked, what qualifies as a hit is suspect, and the overall level of competition is poor. Don't sweat High School stats.

I'm hoping this is the case. I wasn't joking when I said DD had an error when she didn't even play and walks etc...that weren't recorded-You can't argue about a walk at least! If you took out the first 6 games and keep the last 8 she would look fantastic;)
Dec 7, 2011
Example -

Last game pitched for DD in HS:
- Our newspaper reported "tough loss with the only two runs scored on DD which were both unearned"
- The opposing teams newspaper "Our team slammed out 5 hits to beat that good pitcher from over there"....

Interpretting the above:
- our team will want to port our stats (the accurate one!) into the states stat site
- their team will want to send their different version supporting the inflating of their teams stats
- I think the home team wins the data entry conflict
- meaning the state held stats can be VERY misleading. (so equally as bad as TB)

If I were a college coach I would interview meaningful trusted connections in SB in the state (HS and TB) and then only make final judgements on offers based on me going to see them play (more than a game).
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
HS stats are only as good as the ones keeping them. Most local media outlets know which schools they can trust and use printable stats.

Once upon a time, HS stats held more recruiting clout than today. As of the present, they mean very little unless your comparing reliable statistics of other single athletes or schools.

Basically the only real time HS stats mean anything to college now, is on your signing day when it gets printed in the paper, on the college Facebook site, on the college athletic website, and in your college bio. Beyond that, they are just memories you can look back on when you're 40. :(
Feb 7, 2013
Throw the high school stats out the window. They are completely useless.

Unless....you're getting some ink time in the local newspaper.

Or unless you are "SCDad" and then the HS stats mean everything, because that's all she's got!
Nov 3, 2013
Stoddard, WI
In WI all coaches can upload game stats to a state site call WI SPorts Net Dot Com. Our coach is very picky and accurate and all-I mean all stats are posted. I would guess half the schools upload data.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
If you think the HS stats are cooked you can always request a copy of the book and double check them. Know a couple of parents that did that.
Oct 18, 2009
While I am sure a college coach recruiting would take interest in HS stats if available... if they were for whatever reason unavailable I don't think they would think much about it. Obviously if the stats were extreme to one side it might get their attention but in general they would be more interested in your TB schedule and how the potential recruit does against those top TB teams/players. Especially now that more and more schools are looking younger and younger. Some kids getting recruited haven't played one game of HS ball.

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