High School Stats

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Oct 10, 2011
Does your high school publish your stats anywhere? Ours does on their website and I'm not fond of it especially with DD's stats LOL. I got a text from someone from another school that said my DD's stats didn't look right because he was at a lot of our games. I guess she's doing poorly enough to get errors in games she didn't even see the field:rolleyes: They are getting her confused with another girl and I realize there are mistakes, but I'm not a fan of them out there for everyone to see when no other school in our area does it. I hope it is true that colleges don't care about HS stats!
Jan 8, 2012
Aurora, IL
I am a stat nut. So i score my dd hs games and put them on a password protected site. I emailed the coach and told her, here are the stats I took and here is the password to see them. I let one other parent I know well have access. they are not open to public viewing
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Does your high school publish your stats anywhere? Ours does on their website and I'm not fond of it especially with DD's stats LOL. I got a text from someone from another school that said my DD's stats didn't look right because he was at a lot of our games. I guess she's doing poorly enough to get errors in games she didn't even see the field:rolleyes: They are getting her confused with another girl and I realize there are mistakes, but I'm not a fan of them out there for everyone to see when no other school in our area does it. I hope it is true that colleges don't care about HS stats!

High School Stats are for the most part irrelevant. There are some exceptions like when a pitcher gets 200k's in 98 1/3 innings it will get some attention. But she will be the first to say "It was High School!". College coaches know that more often than not the books are cooked, what qualifies as a hit is suspect, and the overall level of competition is poor. Don't sweat High School stats.


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Sep 13, 2013
Dumfries, VA
I disagree riseball. Not sure what happens in your part of the country but it is different around here. Well in my view anyway. If I am a college coach/recruiter, I would want to know how they did in school and travel. Anybody can have a great day at a showcase but what if the pattern of failing to rise in big games during school season arises? I would want to know.

I will stand by my statement that I have made over and over that school ball in my area has more pressure put on the players than travel to perform.
Aug 4, 2008
High school states here are worthless. Coaches don't look at them because they are not accurate and mean nothing. I have talked to many college coaches and none use them for that reason. If you play a cub cake schedule what does it show. If coaches have no idea what an ROE or DI mean than why use them. Example an kid in our area set the high school record for stolen bases last year as a JR , it was so inflated no one will ever break it. During the district all star game coaches were making a joke out of it. She went to third during the game and was safe because the catcher threw the ball over the third baseman's head for an error. Yet her coaching staff in the bleachers were all yelling great stolen base. We have kids hitting over 700 in the paper and played a kid last year hitting 700. She never got a legit hit. Heck her team didn't even count a FC, it was a hit.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I disagree riseball. Not sure what happens in your part of the country but it is different around here. Well in my view anyway. If I am a college coach/recruiter, I would want to know how they did in school and travel. Anybody can have a great day at a showcase but what if the pattern of failing to rise in big games during school season arises? I would want to know.

I will stand by my statement that I have made over and over that school ball in my area has more pressure put on the players than travel to perform.

Your point is valid. But as with most stats few people actually put them in context. Thoughtful trend analysis is very different than season totals with zero context. Most people just focus on the fact that Sally hit .375. They fail to mention that 50% of the time she rode the pine and only got to hit in soft games.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
If I were a college coach, I'd like to know the high school stats of any player that I was recruiting. Then I'd use my best judgment to glean whatever meaning they held. To say they are meaningless is an exaggeration. I certainly understand that HS stats can be highly suspect, but I'd bet that many college coaches check out their recruits stats on MaxPreps if they're on there.
Jan 8, 2012
Aurora, IL
Riseball do you think grades and gpa are worthless too? many times grades appear to be subjective. The person taking a entry level class gets a B and a person taking the advanced class gets a B Grade wise are they equivalent? I agree stats are only as good as the person scoring them. I also think you need to have the same scorekeeper so that they are at least consistent. They are just another data point in accessing a player. College coaches I'm sure give the stats a sniff test. Hmmm batting 700 in hs and not playing TB. They may conclude the 700 is inflated or against inferior competition. They may also wonder why such a talented player is not playing TB. I think I would look at all available info about player and then come to my own conclusion.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Riseball do you think grades and gpa are worthless too? many times grades appear to be subjective. The person taking a entry level class gets a B and a person taking the advanced class gets a B Grade wise are they equivalent? I agree stats are only as good as the person scoring them. I also think you need to have the same scorekeeper so that they are at least consistent. They are just another data point in accessing a player. College coaches I'm sure give the stats a sniff test. Hmmm batting 700 in hs and not playing TB. They may conclude the 700 is inflated or against inferior competition. They may also wonder why such a talented player is not playing TB. I think I would look at all available info about player and then come to my own conclusion.

I would suggest a scorekeeper that uses a legitimate standard. A consistent scorekeeper that is bad will consistently yield bad stats. Yes, stats like grades are just one data point and both are often quite subjective. The A that is earned in Aurora is very different than the A earned in Central Florida where standards are lowered until success is achieved. If a college coach asks for HS stats then by all means provide it. But if HS stats are the focal point of a recruiting effort I would strongly suggest they rethink their strategy.

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