Fitness standards

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Jan 15, 2009
Good one. Planks are popular now.

Others might have to be times, liked situps.

What's a good number for chin-ups?

Some players in our program come to workouts 2x a week and have been for the last 4 years. The avg is 10 pull ups & 50 push ups.
We have a couple that workout daily that can max-out at 25-30 pull ups, and 90-75 push ups.
May 3, 2014
Stir the pots - 10 each direction as a baseline - feet closer to together than this.

May 3, 2014
Kettlebell carries - set a distance that needs to be covered in a certain amount of time or have heats.

Grip and core strength

Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
We regularly do testing for our 14-18s. This is what we test.
Sit Ups - Max
Push Ups - Max
Pull Ups - Max
Flex Arm Hang - For Time
Hurdle Jump - How many in 1 Min
Lane Shuffle (10 down & back) - For Time
Dot Pad - For Time
Pro Agility - For Time
Straight Leg, Leg Lifts - How many in 30 sec

So what would be a good result for each of these tests? Something that isn't easy, but every player should be able to achieve with some work?
Jan 15, 2009
So what would be a good result for each of these tests? Something that isn't easy, but every player should be able to achieve with some work?
We start with giving the test at the begining of the season (September) the usually test about every 8 weeks to see each players improvement.

I will go over our numbers and give you some baselines.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
How about a 3-minute plank?

I seriously had no idea that planks were so popular with girls these days. The same day Madtown Mike posted about planks, I found out my DD #2 won a plank competition in her HS gym class. But then, DD #2 is in the same grade at the same HS as Mike's DD, so that is not a very wide sample.
Apr 28, 2014
I have a question and I hope that it doesn't come off the wrong way.
My DD is 11 and has been playing travel in some for the past 3 years. In her first few teams all of the girls were in "good" shape with what I would consider a low BMI. I know that's a hard way to gauge but just what I saw.
Over the past two years I see more and more girls who, to put it nicely don't appear to be athletic looking. They "appear" to be carrying extra weight. Now.. I would never ever judge a kid or her skills by the shape of their body but my question is "Is more weight, especially around the upper legs a requirement for a pitcher"?
My kid is 11, she's 5' 5" and weighs 105lbs. I got a chuckle in another thread where someone posted those same stats for a 14 year old and someone said "give her the keys to the fridge".
My fear is that my kid is not muscular enough. She's strong and can throw some serious heat and is the fastest kid on the team but her legs and arms are so long that she looks like a long distance runner.

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