Fences or no Fences

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Oct 10, 2011
Maybe this has been discussed before but I didn't see it in a search. It seems like we rarely play on a field anymore that has a fence. Our coach said that a director told him they don't like setting up temporary fences because girls can get hurt on them. Coach said to me this past weekend that his 95 lb girl shouldn't be able to hit homeruns, but with no fence and her speed, she can do it.
Do you prefer fence or no fence?
Jul 26, 2010
Fence. Anyone who doesn't want to set up a fence simply doesn't wanna. It's lazy. Who likes home runes that roll all the way down the foul line?



Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Maybe this has been discussed before but I didn't see it in a search. It seems like we rarely play on a field anymore that has a fence. Our coach said that a director told him they don't like setting up temporary fences because girls can get hurt on them. Coach said to me this past weekend that his 95 lb girl shouldn't be able to hit homeruns, but with no fence and her speed, she can do it.
Do you prefer fence or no fence?

MUST HAVE FENCE! Played 2 tourneys with slowpitch or baseball fences, ridiculous when a line drive in the gap is a triple or run.
Feb 16, 2012
We have played on fields before with no fences and the ball can roll a country mile if hit right. Fences without question.
DD is a power hitter. It sucks when she goes 200'+ and it ends up a double. I want fences!

Not only for selfish reasons, though. I think it makes for a better game all around. I know I am far more likely to play my outfielders a bit tighter (thus taking away those bloop hits we all hate .... the ones that land right on the edge of the dirt and the grass) if there is a 200' (or thereabouts) fence behind them to stop line drives in the gap.

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