Dirty or clean play

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Jun 22, 2008
I think he needed to explain why the call was changed. I also think that when the stakes are as high and as much money is involved in these MLB games the umps need to be able to articulate what just happened to the manager so when the manager is asked by reporters from around the world what happened he can relate what he was told. MLB is more then just a series of baseball games, its commerce. And like it or not the Umps are part of that product. On top of that these umps have to work with this same static group of managers, a little respect will be returned in the future.

Don't think there was really a need to explain the call, it was quite obvious. But you are correct, the umpire making the call should explain it to the manager, and only the manager, once. After that, if the manager wants to keep talking, I'll give him the courtesy of hearing his concerns, once. And then we are going to move on with the game. There is no need to continue a conversation or play a part in the manager's dog and pony show.

Granted MLB umpires need to play a political game, but IMO that is part of what has caused many of the ridiculous delays in their games and ejections for instances that probably shouldn't get that far.
Mar 21, 2013
I know a few that teach the win at all costs method and it's not acceptable! Kids are learning enough bad habits these days. What's next beaning a batter in 8U because she got a hit off of your DD that last at bat. Please! Teach them to play right and play hard. Nobody likes a cheap player, or coach for that matter. Respect the game. I always tell my daughter that the last thing she wants to hear is "she's a good player, but". Nothing good comes after that.

Funny part is that coach will be the first to complain about dirty play when his DD gets her wrist or hand broke.
Jun 11, 2013
There are sometimes kids who are thinking a step ahead of the rest of the league they are playing in. They might watch a lot of ball or have an older sister/brother who plays and figure out ways to get an edge. In this case it's possible they might try to know a ball out with their hand. I wouldn't consider it a dirty play if they tried it the first time. I would expect the coach to explain that it's wrong and they would stop doing it.

As far as coaching players to do it, it's totally bush league and dirty. It would be like coaching kids to yell I got it when the other team is in the field.

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