Deaf-Mute Player

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May 10, 2010
I can see it being a little bit of an advantage for that young ladies pitching. And that is being able to shut out all the coaches in the stands trying to correct her pitching.
Jul 12, 2012
On the bleachers
We played a team at the world series who had a deaf catcher. That girl could play some serious ball! We had no idea she was deaf until someone told us. All of our girls were in awe of her. It was a very inspirational moment for our girls.
May 28, 2013
My daughter has moderate hearing loss. She wears hearing aids though. Problems usually only happen when coach tries to yell something to her when her back is turned and she has had a few awkward moments at the plate when she hasn't heard. and this past weekend everyone was yelling at her to do something and she wasn't hearing it. She just smiles and takes it all in stride. She says as a pitcher she can tune everyone out really easily because she has to concentrate to hear well.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
My DD is deaf (congenital - there at birth) in her right ear. She has normal hearing in her left ear. We didn't realize it until she was 5 an in Kindergarten. Poor kid failed hearing tests since day one, but has always battled fluid in the ears and infections. Docs always said the hearing test results were because of that. It wasn't until we finally went to an audiologist that we realized the truth. It certainly presents a few issues, but she learned to read lips on her own and compensates well with hearing in the left (good) ear and also wears a hearing aid on her right (bad) ear.

The biggest issue she faces is softball. Soft spoken or monotone coaching instructions are tough for her. Thankfully, all her coaches to date have adapted to working with her. Being on 3B as a base runner seems to be the biggest concern. Coach is on her right (bad) side and usually behind her which is the worst scenario. No sounds like go to her so we have to use other words like stop.

So far it all works out in the end. Thank goodness she is a decent RH pitcher, has a good glove, has wheels, and has a good LH bat. This is an incentive for coaches to work with her and not just put her on the back burner.
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