DD will play Chelsea Bramlett's team tomorrow.

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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Well I'm working the crowd at our weekend HS tourney as usual and see a face I know, Ms Bramlett. She is the head coach of one of the HS entered. I say "hello", she does the same, and I wish her luck on the battlefield tomorrow.

I'll try to get a pic of her, DD, and myself. They were getting ready for a game and time didn't allow. I got to watch a few mins of their game and they seem to be solid. We will test that tomorrow at 1:30. :)
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Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I think the contacts made during FP softball would offer a good opportunity to launch a political career. At least for the few that don't fall into the crazy parent category.

Good luck tomorrow GD! How's the mask working out?
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Thanks GM, should be a good match up.

Alex is really doing good with the mask. She K'd 8 tonight in a 5 inning 75 min game against a MS state runner up team ( what I heard ). Won 5-1. Arm finally getting loose, my dad gunned her at 61 tonight. Had a coach from another school come talk to me during the game said that's "one wicked screwball". She was working it well this evening. You know how that goes, tomorrow it could look like a Walmart pitch. Lol
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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
It was a squeaker, but we won 9-1. I think this is her second year coaching the high school, you can tell she has a great deal of knowledge on "how" and "when" to run situations and plays. They put good pressure on us with their offense at times, we just were able to keep them from scoring. I think she will make the program into a powerhouse in a few years.

DD wouldn't get her picture taken with her, but she ( and couple of our players ) did get some autographed balls. Very classy of the coach to take the time to do so.


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