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Jul 26, 2010
What rule set? Did she attempt to withdraw the bat and was the ball over the plate and in the strike zone?

USSSA. No, she did not attempt to withdraw the bat, though she did flinch. The ball was inside, although I was in the dugout so that could have been a judgement call on a ball/strike. If it were a ball would it matter since the bat was left out?
Jun 20, 2012
Had a similar situtation a few years ago. Runner on 3rd and wild pitch bounces and just clips the batter on the bottom of the cleat. Runner from 3rd was on a full run home when I killed the play. I awarded the batter 1st and she wanted to argue the ball hadnt hit her. After telling her a couple of times to take her base I finally told her she had the option of either taking her base or she could be ejected. She chose to take her base.

I had something similar a couple of weekends ago. Runner on 3rd, and a wild pitch bounces and possibly hits the batter's foot and the ball gets past the catcher (it didn't noticeably deviate in travel after it possibly hit the batter's foot). Runner on 3rd comes in to score. The batter didn't exhibit any signs of being HBP. I motioned to the batter to get back in the box and she complied. At this point, the parents in the stands for the team that was batting start howling that the ball hit her. I turned to them and informed them that if I had seen it hit her, then I would've awarded her 1B, and I would've returned the runner that scored back to 3B, taking the run off the board, so be careful what you ask for. Hearing this, the defense's stands start howling that the pitch hit her! It was all in good fun, nobody was being dramatic about it, and I think a few of the parents actually learned something.
Jun 22, 2008
USSSA. No, she did not attempt to withdraw the bat, though she did flinch. The ball was inside, although I was in the dugout so that could have been a judgement call on a ball/strike. If it were a ball would it matter since the bat was left out?

Well, USSSA does require the bat to be withdrawn to not be considered a bunt attempt. But, as has been discussed by umpires on other boards what if the pitcher throws the ball completely over the backstop? Do you still call it a strike because the batter stood there with the bat stuck out watching the ball sail over the backstop?

If the pitch was inside and hit the batter, and you did say she flinched, I would consider it an attempt to get out of the way of the pitch. Personally given the situation you have described I would have awarded 1st base.
Jul 26, 2010
Thanks Comp. Makes me feel less guilty for not arguing the call. The opposing coach did start to argue and asked for help, but the kid was pretty rattled and I don't think he felt it good form to push the issue.

Jun 24, 2013
I saw a batter in 10U that was trying to learn to slap, from the left. She ran out of the box, right into a strike. (MOO) The ump gave her her base.

He did go chat with the other ump and I think he was doubting himself.

Now thats a NEW strategy! Can't wait to try it out! LOL. puts my slappers on base everytime! I will just have girls wear a catchers chest protector under their uniforms and on backwards, that way they can just "roll" with the pitch.
Jun 24, 2013
I had a kid yesterday in an 18u championship game square to bunt and took the ball to her face, nearly knocking her helmet off. Ump gave her 1st base. I wasn't about to argue the call, but in my opinion, I had a strike call.


Was her head in the strike zone when the ball hit her? If so, I say strike, but if it was out of the zone, then HBP.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Was her head in the strike zone when the ball hit her? If so, I say strike, but if it was out of the zone, then HBP.

From my understanding that would depend on the rules body the game was played under and how bunt offering is determined if the bat is not pulled back.

If the umpire believed she was 'bunting'/offering as determined by whatever rules body the game was under then it would still be a dead ball/strike. It would be the same as if she was fully swinging. If not then dead ball/award base for HBP.

Doesn't feel like it would be the easiest call in the world to make.
May 7, 2008
Cmustangs, I know. I was right behind the fence and I am thinking "What the heck?" Just put on EvoShield and run into the ball.

Now, that I think about it, the other coach did start to say "Well, the pitcher hit 2 batters and she has to come out." The ump said "No, your gal ran into the ball." The coach laughed knowing the ump was right. (rec league rules)