Coach said...but Parents said...

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Nov 22, 2016
Give an example of what you mean? Coaching from the bleachers---then listen to the coach. If you want to be the coach then be the coach. Whenever I am the parent in the stands, I try to limit my coaching at home and keep my mouth shut in the stands. If I am the coach then I expect the ladies to listen to me.

I agree 100%. That's why I sit behind the LF fence when I am just a parent and not coaching to keep me from saying something!!??
Dec 11, 2010
I have been very lucky that my dd’s have played for some awesome coaches.

I have not agreed with any of them 100% of the time. Yet if I agree with them 80% of the time, that’s pretty darn good. I always figured that 20% was made up of things that they needed to do to make their on field strategy work, things that dd would know how to do later when they got another coach that wanted it done that way and things I was just wrong about.

After all these years I have learned that parents sometimes go into freak out mode when a coach tells their kid something they don’t understand, doesn’t agree with their paid hitting coach whose $$$ depends on them convincing parents that they know “the only true path” or doesn’t agree with what their little league instructor said 20 years ago. Sometimes it’s justified, usually it isn’t.

How parents handle this is extremely important. When a player loses confidence in their team coach, their on field performance will decline. Experienced team coaches can see this a mile away. Everybody loses when parents don’t handle this well and dog talk the coach.

If you are a parent of a 10u or 12u and you agree with your kids team coach most of the time, you have probably found a good one. Anyone who has been through this deal will tell you that they made dumb, emotional decisions when their kids were that age. Take a chill and try to go with a big picture, long term approach.

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