Coach said...but Parents said...

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Dec 13, 2019
Coach said...but parents said...
Unraveling the mystery of who to listen to.

Its coaches team
Its parents kid

How should this conundrum
be resolved?

*Exclude the obvious answer of parents coaching their kid :)

Oct 2, 2018
Give an example of what you mean? Coaching from the bleachers---then listen to the coach. If you want to be the coach then be the coach. Whenever I am the parent in the stands, I try to limit my coaching at home and keep my mouth shut in the stands. If I am the coach then I expect the ladies to listen to me.


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Dec 13, 2019
Give an example of what you mean? Coaching from the bleachers---then listen to the coach. If you want to be the coach then be the coach. Whenever I am the parent in the stands, I try to limit my coaching at home and keep my mouth shut in the stands. If I am the coach then I expect the ladies to listen to me.

Great example of the conundrum!

Who should your kid listen to?

Listen to what coach tells you.
Or do what parent tells you to do.
Imagine you could make your kid confused....

Just sayin....
You described situation and created the conundrum

You coach your kid at home.
Which could be different then what coach is saying.

But then if you were coaching you expect players to listen to you as the coach.

Oct 4, 2018
Need more details...

At a game or practice, parents should shut up or not be there. The girls belong to the coaches at those times.

If a parent really dislikes or disagrees with what a coach is coaching, there needs to be a conversation. And the conversation should not take place at a practice or tournament.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
Need more details...

At a game or practice, parents should shut up or not be there. The girls belong to the coaches at those times.

If a parent really dislikes or disagrees with what a coach is coaching, there needs to be a conversation. And the conversation should not take place at a practice or tournament.

Just for discussion...

Is it a conversation with the coach?
Any strategy or phylosphy can fit this topic.
Say coach wants something done the way they think is best.
Double play footwork....or cut offs, or?

You the parent disagree.
If you the parent keep telling kid DO IT my/parents way.

What reprecussion then?

Coach can see kid as uncoachable?
Replace player with another who will do it as coach see's.

Brings the question
How to handle this?
Feb 26, 2018
The repercussion of the kid not listening to the coach or doing it their way is going to end up being keeping the bench warm and not getting asked back next year. If you as a parent feel that the coach isn't teaching them properly and don't agree with the coaching style, you should probably reevaluate whether you should stay on the team or not.

If you feel that strongly about it, talk to the coach.
Dec 10, 2015
Chautauqua County
I never argue or go against a parent. at the younger levels, I simply teach what I know and if a parent wants to teach something different, so be it. it's not all that hard to sneak in good teaching. :) at the upper levels, if the player produces, and I really don't care what mechanics get her to produce, she plays. if the parents ask for help, they get it. otherwise,there are plenty of other teams out there.


Possibilities & Opportunities!
Dec 13, 2019
When people say
Have a conversation with the coach.

How does that conversation go?
Ie: what does parent say?

For discussion.
The coach has the role of implementing strategy.
Is it really the parents role
to re-structure that?

Certainly there will be some coaches who will respond....;)
Oct 5, 2017
Western Indiana
As a high school coach, I accept that there are different ideas on some aspects of the game. Both can be correct.

But, I will teach what I think is best and that is how we want it done in our program. With that being said we do not have a "hitting system" we work with what the kid brings. Only when there are major mechanical issues do we adjust those things. If you have a hitting coach and you are comfortable and you can produce we are happy that you put in extra time to get better.
Feb 26, 2018
You start with "I noticed you teaching Susie (insert concern here) when she was taught to do it this way and she's kind of uncomfortable doing it your way".

No, the parents have no role or say in strategy and I say that as a parent.

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