barrel/hand pivot point, a.k.a TTB

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Jun 8, 2016
I'm a Cowboys fan but it is hard not to respect Sanders. My daughter shook hands with him once. My wife is a Broncos fan so we were in Canton for John Elway's induction. Sanders was part of the same class. We were standing outside before the ceremony and I was holding DD. She was 4 at the time. Sanders walked over, said hi, and shook her hand. She still talks about it.
“Act like you have been there before”


Mar 11, 2010

You either believe video or you don’t. There is no hands ahead of the body, cutting or sliding forward. If small guys are the best to look at, then this swing should be a good representation of an ideal swing.

Shawn, I have been saying video doesn't lie forever..


Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa

I really meant to say that post was just more short swing propaganda. Learned that from Dave Hudgens over 20 years ago.

My question still stands, How short is too short?
Apr 11, 2015
Wrong word....................... ‘explosive’

Duck and dodge. Hold still so I can finish the job! ?
Go back, and read what I wrote about "quick" and "explosive", and then show/quote me where I said or used either in my teaching of my hitters. As far as the "wrong word", you need much better comprehension when you read...I answered your question about already wrt...
real simple mud... when do we want to feel ‘explosive’ during the sequence?

Keep up WW, you're proving not to be very "quick"....but rather emotionally "explosive". ;)?
Apr 11, 2015

you want them to ‘feel’ quick and explosive. But then you don’t care what a hitter feels ? Man it’s hard keeping up with your changes in direction !! They are QUICK AND EXPLOSIVE ???
I said numerous times I don't teach my hitters to "feel" anything. All I care about is that they match the mechanics/barrel path I'm looking for. Like I said, it wouldn't matter to me at all whatever your DD was saying wrt to what she was "feeling" wrt her swing, as long as what she was doing within it was good.

EZ-PZ, try not to overthink it too much, and hurt yourself. ???
Apr 11, 2015
It doesn't always happen but yea they are aiming for the top half.. That was always my goal as well for line drives.. Missing are the homers or fly balls..

TDS, can we agree that the middle of the ball is the "Knuckle" line? If that's the case, what hitter have you ever heard wanting "topspin" on the ball, and not "backspin" on it?
May 12, 2016

I really meant to say that post was just more short swing propaganda. Learned that from Dave Hudgens over 20 years ago.

My question still stands, How short is too short?

I really meant to say that post was just more short swing propaganda. Learned that from Dave Hudgens over 20 years ago.

My question still stands, How short is too short?
What you see as propaganda, I understand very clearly and believe it to be the truth. Something I never thought about/had to worry about before.. "being to short I mean".

I don't think I can give you a measurement, how am I supposed to quantify that :)? I can give you an example.. JD Martinez previous swing was too steep/short. Getting to a FYB position took care of that.. add in the improved posture and he's a superstar.

But this seems like something you want to comment on, I'm all ears. Maybe after we can talk about what makes a swing too loopy :)

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