Another year gone ...

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May 29, 2015
'Twas the night after softball, when all through the house
Not a batter was swinging, I was calling no outs;
The blues were all washed and hung in the closet with care,
In hopes that spring training soon would be there;
The gear was all cleaned ... deodorized and shined;
While visions of strikeouts danced in my mind;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my 4-stitch cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

Fifteen games this past weekend to end the year (unless I can get some dome games). I haven’t done an official check of my records, but I’m fairly certain I cracked 200 this year. That sounds like a lot, but we start in mid-March and have run through October ... 7+ months. Fall ball hasn't been a big thing around here until this year, so we are normally done following middle school ball in late August/early September.

My body is saying it is a lot ... It’s been a relatively healthy season barring a knee tweak this past Friday night. It felt bad and reminded me of a strange health issue that put me off my feet for months a few years ago. Worked Saturday with a knee brace, and it felt much better Sunday. This morning I hurt from head to toe getting out of bed though.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
If you want some more games come visit Florida. We are barely halfway into this season.

My last game this year will be Dec 22... And first game next year will be Jan 4th

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