Am I being over-critical?

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Jul 2, 2013
My DD is a hitter. Certain times, on a certain pitch she is called upon to bunt. Or take a pitch. She is required to do what the coaches ask, and be successful at it.

At the highest level, for my DD, it is one "call" at a time. At this one particular time, 3rd baseman back, count in her favor, call a bunt. She tries to bunt. Maybe I agree, maybe I do not, it does not matter. PUT THE BUNT DOWN.

Next pitch, the call is different. Don't over think it. It is one at bat. So what. The coaches at the highest level know more than the parent does.
Jun 29, 2013
This is my baseball background talking probably, but no way would I ask a 3 hitter to bunt with runners at second and third and nobody out. I ask her to drive one in that situation, you're more likely to get a productive out than a bunt for a base hit IMOA,and you have the chance for an extra bagger,.especially if the pitcher hasn't settled down.
Jul 2, 2013
Even with with the defense BACK, 2 balls, 0 strike, and the game on the line. And you are going to call the coach OUT. Ha, ha. Maybe you are watching baseball too much, and not softball.

Great coaches call bunts in specialized circumstance. Make the play. Score the run. And don't listen to ElkGroveHurricane !!
Jun 1, 2013
Do you ask a pitcher to throw a curve when she can't? I think everyone missed that she CAN'T bunt. Doesn't know how to. The play is the right call under normal circumstances, but OP said 13 y/o can't bunt. Swing away and teach the girl how to bunt for the next situation. That being said, support your HC whatever he calls. He probably disagrees with his AC not teaching his dd to bunt.
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Jul 6, 2013
Well, but the original post said they are working on it...not that she couldn't bunt. He was upset cause DD didn't get to swing away and she is the best hitter on the team. He seems to be upset about the fact that DD didn't get to hit a triple, not that she can't bunt.

Elk Grove, it is vastly different between the two. It was difficult for me to make the transition to softball thinking with a baseball background. Many plays done in baseball won't work in softball, and visa versa.
Jun 29, 2013
SC, I'll take that criticism in the spirit I think you intended. :) But seriously, I go for the big inning early, then play for 1 run later. I'm just offering my opinion, it may be the dissenting one here, but its how I would do it. 3 hitters are 3 hitters for a reason and if you have a pitcher who is either struggling with the strike zone or not overpowering (those runners were on either by base hits or walk I assume, if by error then I can see putting pressure on a defense with a bunt), I would be extremely reluctant to take the bat out of my best hitters hands.
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Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
Too nit picky on signals versus signs. Not on Points versus runs. :) As far as bunting, every player should b proficient at this skill in Softball. This is not baseball and the short game is a more active part of the sport.
Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
Had she laid down the bunt, this thread would not be in existence.
I agree, every player on the team must know how to bunt especially in this circumstance.

Either way, it was just one AB and just one game. I would have bunted her as well
especially if it were a scoreless/tie game especially in late innings when I need a run,
especially because I love the short game........softball strategy involves exerting pressure on the defense-this is textbook example.

Your DD lays a perfect bunt down 3B, F5 fields, looks back R1, hurries her throw to 1B,
overthrow, your dd advances to 2b 2 runs score, she is the hero
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