1st tournament back:(

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Oct 10, 2011
Well DD played yesterday in a showcase and made it through 1 1/2 games and when she stepped on first, she sprained her healthy ankle. Yes, she was safe:).
Amazing after never being injured before in travel basketball, volleyball, etc... This year has been a train wreck! Shes one of the hs vball captains and was so excited to be back too. Fortunately it's not as severe as the other ankle but she will most likely miss the next tournament. She was doing great at 3rd and was 3 for 3 hitting. We are considering just dropping out of the fall season at this point. She's getting her lifeguard certification and swimming is easier on the joints!
Jun 24, 2013
This year has been a rough one for DD health wise. She almost was back then broke her toe and was out for a month. Now there is a good chance she will need foot surgery, different issue, and be out for a few or more months.

Just stay positive and be supportive.

Lifeguard certificate sounds like fun and health!
Oct 10, 2011

Sorry to hear that James. Good luck! The certification is pretty cool and done as part of her hs aquatics class. Maybe your DD could do something like that to stay active.
Dec 7, 2011
I am getting very confident that "health-train-wreck" YEARS are pretty common in athletes.

What is becoming my favorite phrase in life - because it's sooooo true - "What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger!"

You will look back to this year and see that.
Jul 26, 2010
Sorry to hear about the injuries, I know she's been itching to be back. Hope she gets better soon.

It's so hard to teach kids that they can't go back out and do what they were doing when they got injured after being laid up for a few weeks. The athletes body really does atrophy that fast. Kids will hurt themselves over and over because they haven't realized that they can't do what they were doing before and that their bodies need months of work to regain the losses of weeks of downtime.

Oct 10, 2011

Thanks guys. I don't have a psychologist or good bartender. .. thank goodness for DFP! We are going to take it slow and get her in a good program here to get her back in good shape for next season.

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