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Jul 16, 2013
Great post; now I have to duck out for an hour. I think it's quite possible to flex knees only, and believe that is what is happening, but I am willing to discuss and be talked out of it too. Riddle me this; what if the hip flexion was preloaded? to be continued...:D


Ok. I will play along a bit. Is there preloaded hip flexion? Sure. I have no problem with that at all. But in this picture, what do you see as the difference between pic 1 and pic 2? I see knee flexion as she lowers. I see her torso staying at nearly the same angle. Therefore there needs to be some flexion in the hips in order to maintain the upright torso. Do you agree?


Going back to the Bond's clip, it is obviously not a standard squat motion. While his knee is flexing, his COG is also moving forward some (while trying to stay back). So from a visual perspective, his rear knee is moving down and in. Are you suggesting that the level of hip flexion does not change because of the down and in action of the rear knee?


Furthermore, are you suggesting that this motion will not vary based on the individual athletes level of strength, flexibility, etc.?
Jul 6, 2014
I think she has a pretty nice sequence.
What do you think if she stepped out a little farther on the inside of her front foot with a softer knee.
That would give her a bit more weight shift and that back foot might look different. She might come more up on a toe.

She does have a nice hand path.


I agree SL, but I wonder if some of that might be resolved by repositioning her in relation to the ball. If you backed her up a bit, brought her toward the camera, would her weight shift look better? It seems she might be staying back because she's set up to hit the ball later in the zone, outside pitch? Hard to tell. Would like to see a vid with a reposition...


Apr 26, 2012
Ok. I will play along a bit. Is there preloaded hip flexion? Sure. I have no problem with that at all. But in this picture, what do you see as the difference between pic 1 and pic 2? I see knee flexion as she lowers. I see her torso staying at nearly the same angle. Therefore there needs to be some flexion in the hips in order to maintain the upright torso. Do you agree?


Going back to the Bond's clip, it is obviously not a standard squat motion. While his knee is flexing, his COG is also moving forward some (while trying to stay back). So from a visual perspective, his rear knee is moving down and in. Are you suggesting that the level of hip flexion does not change because of the down and in action of the rear knee?

Furthermore, are you suggesting that this motion will not vary based on the individual athletes level of strength, flexibility, etc.?

I'm a little fried, so will get some sleep. I'll probably catch up when the insomnia kicks in. For now, I am suggesting that Bonds is not sitting, as in flexing his hip and knee as if he was going to order a cool one. I believe he is preflexed at the hips, giving him the necessary balance (try it) to stay suspended and back while his leg begs to bring the rear hip around. I suspect that the lowering we see is caused primarily by the move-out, and some down and in knee action. Yes, he would be in the sat position at that point. When the head ceases to lower, his knee continues to drive down. We can probably agree that there is no flexion at that point. 'night.

Aug 1, 2008
I agree SL, but I wonder if some of that might be resolved by repositioning her in relation to the ball. If you backed her up a bit, brought her toward the camera, would her weight shift look better? It seems she might be staying back because she's set up to hit the ball later in the zone, outside pitch? Hard to tell. Would like to see a vid with a reposition...

Your right, that could be true.

On the other hand, most hitters don't think about the front leg. Length of stride. If you say to a hitter, try to step out just alittle farther, maybe give them a mark 2-5 inches out farther. You might say to the same hitter, step a bit softer, have some flex in that front knee.
Then there swing changes with very little instruction.

You could try it as you just posted and see what happens first.

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Mar 11, 2010
I'm a little fried, so will get some sleep. I'll probably catch up when the insomnia kicks in. For now, I am suggesting that Bonds is not sitting, as in flexing his hip and knee as if he was going to order a cool one. I believe he is preflexed at the hips, giving him the necessary balance (try it) to stay suspended and back while his leg begs to bring the rear hip around. I suspect that the lowering we see is caused primarily by the move-out, and some down and in knee action. Yes, he would be in the sat position at that point. When the head ceases to lower, his knee continues to drive down. We can probably agree that there is no flexion at that point. 'night.


coachbob, don't you think if the rear knee was in the act of driving, the barrel would be blurring? Also with an active rear leg (knee down and in) during the sitting time frame how much would you have left in the tank to drive the ball of an off-speed pitch?


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
A ton left in the tank if the barrel is turning back against it...if you are pushing the barrel, then no. Balls can be launched from the forward facing snf position, because the barrel is launched back against it.


Apr 26, 2012
coachbob ........with an active rear leg (knee down and in) during the sitting time frame how much would you have left in the tank to drive the ball....... ?

I like this javelin clip. I think it shows how you can store some power with an active rear leg.


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