10u pitching speeds

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Feb 6, 2013
My daughter is 9 and was pitching 49-51 on monday with a top spin of 20.3...she has pitching a little over a year...she puts in a lot of hard work and hits her spots:)
May 31, 2012
Well I am in a mood & this topic just heats my temper. In fall I spoke to USFA director and he thinks in GA alone their are close to 100 10u TB teams... And based on what I've seen, I would say the top 5-8 A teams probably have a pitcher that throws close to 50! Do they throw 50 every pitch? No! Or even every game? No.
I'm starting to take personal offense to people who say it can't be done. I do have a daughter that throws hard. I'm just a mom. I don't catch her, but I know the coaches/ or other dads who do catch her say she throws hard. The infamous radar gun has shown she throws 47, but it's a cheap one and obviously calibrated in GA, so who knows what her speed is. But I feel that this topic takes away from all of these girls hard work and that are genetically inclined at an early age! And I believe there is a new generation of pitchers coming up. They've gotten better instruction & they are learning at a younger age.
So please don't take away all the training, push ups, finch windmill and hours of practice she puts in daily just because at this age she throws hard.

Tangent over[
May I ask the height and weight of your daughter? Maybe fl is behind. Not to be rude but 47 is not 50. And how do you know that the top 5-8 teams have
kids throwing 50. Are there people at games with radar guns or just some guy saying "man that pitch looked 50" Or "she hit 50 the other night at practice" to me if a kid throws 50 then she does it in a game and she does it almost every pitch. So if a kid is throwing 45-47 most of the game and spikes at 50 a couple times in 4 innings then to me that pitcher throws 45-47.
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Feb 20, 2012
May I ask the height and weight of your daughter? Maybe fl is behind. Not to be rude but 47 is not 50. And how do you know that the top 5-8 teams have kids throwing 50. Are there people at games with radar guns or just some guy saying "man that pitch looked 50" Or "she hit 50 the other night at practice" to me if a kid throws 50 then she does it in a game and she does it almost every pitch. So if a kid is throwing 45-47 most of the game and spikes at 50 a couple times in 4 innings then to me that pitcher throws 45-47.

This is typically the difference between 'top speed' and 'cruising speed'. Most pitchers will throw 2-3MPH faster with no batter in the box, and most parents like to use 'top speed' instead of 'cruising speed' when they talk about how fast their DD can throw. I have seen a couple of really big 10 year olds that can throw hard, but they are usually the kid that matures early, and they peak at 10U because they don't put in the time and effort to learn different pitches because they think they will always be able to blow batters away with their fastball. But the batters start catching up in 12U and by 14U the once dominate pitcher is getting shelled.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Throwing 50MPH in softball is like throwing 70 MPH in baseball. Almost any moderately athletic 12YOA kid can do it. In both situations, the kid is going to strike out a bunch of players at the lower levels, and but get pounded as the kids get older unless the kid dramatically improves.

Also, girls go through a body change at puberty. The bosom gets bigger and the hips spread. So, in fact, a child has to learn to pitch all over again around 12YOA.

Finally, the trick in softball pitching for women is throwing around 60 MPH consistently pitch after pitch, batter after batter for two or three games in a row, all the while getting great movement on the ball.

They've gotten better instruction & they are learning at a younger age.

This is more theoretical, but the problem is that there are limits on how fast humans can throw a ball. In baseball, the top end is right at 100 MPH for men. In softball, the top end for women is around 75 MPH.
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May 31, 2012
Carrotbun. Sounds like she has good height and size in the right places. My DD and I are on the quest to reach 50. She's 4' 8 and 81lbs. In the last 3 mths she grew an inch and gained a few lbs.
Feb 2, 2013
bloomington IL
Ive been coaching 10u A ball in Bloomington IL for a few years now and I would say typically A teams best pitchers throw between 45-47 mph. My daughter is 5ft1 79lbs and throws 48 consistently maxing out at 50.and my 8yr old is 4ft nothing 57lbs is in the 36 to 38 range.
Nov 26, 2010
Well I am in a mood & this topic just heats my temper. In fall I spoke to USFA director and he thinks in GA alone their are close to 100 10u TB teams... And based on what I've seen, I would say the top 5-8 A teams probably have a pitcher that throws close to 50! Do they throw 50 every pitch? No! Or even every game? No.
I'm starting to take personal offense to people who say it can't be done. I do have a daughter that throws hard. I'm just a mom. I don't catch her, but I know the coaches/ or other dads who do catch her say she throws hard. The infamous radar gun has shown she throws 47, but it's a cheap one and obviously calibrated in GA, so who knows what her speed is. But I feel that this topic takes away from all of these girls hard work and that are genetically inclined at an early age! And I believe there is a new generation of pitchers coming up. They've gotten better instruction & they are learning at a younger age.
So please don't take away all the training, push ups, finch windmill and hours of practice she puts in daily just because at this age she throws hard.

Tangent over
I'm not saying it can't be done but even you put the number of those who approach 50 at 5%. Which is a far cry from every team

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