What makes a winning team?

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
The dominant pitcher will also be the biggest weapon in the game, imo, but there aren't that many of them. So my guess is that if you're talking about being one of the top 5 teams in the country, then yes, you probably need some major talent in the circle, but outside of those rarified teams, I think you just need good pitching and depth all-around. Don't need stars, necessarily. Those good teams often are those that can be missing any one player and not really miss her.

A dominant pitcher is definitely a double edged sword. Great to have, but you do not want to need her to win. Recently qualified for ASA Nationals in OKC with little to no contribution from my DD. Yet could not have been happier with the performance of the team and the other two pitchers. If you have one or two studs regardless of position, you need to structure your team to win without them.
Apr 7, 2013
I've coached for about 15 years and ALWAYS preach to my girls if 2 teams are "relatively" close in talent, that the one who makes less mistakes and gives better effort will usually win. Solid DEF make the plays you should and a few "special" ones. Runner on 3rd 1or0 outs be productive, hit cut offs, smart/aggressive base running. Many parts of Softball aren't scored in books, but make winning teams.
Mar 23, 2010
There's a saying about how the difference between great golfers and the rest is they give up a stroke when they have to, but never two.
Good teams make few mistakes, but when they do make one, they don't compound it with another.
I think there are many valid answers, but in my mind it boils down to one word- Belief. You have to have belief. Does belief alone make you a winning team...no. But its the corner stone of a special team. It is what makes players, parents, sponsors, and even coaches buy in. It motivates, and elevates and if its strong enough it propels you above and beyond the height of even more talented stronger teams.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I think there are many valid answers, but in my mind it boils down to one word- Belief. You have to have belief. Does belief alone make you a winning team...no. But its the corner stone of a special team. It is what makes players, parents, sponsors, and even coaches buy in. It motivates, and elevates and if its strong enough it propels you above and beyond the height of even more talented stronger teams.

The ''belief'' must be realistic, and it can take you only so far. But I have seen that kids are very much influenced by your expectations of them. That's less true with adults, who've already formed their opinions of themselves and are harder to change.

I've also experienced on this team, along with the occasional really good sports teams I've been on myself in bygone years, that if you win all the time, and your opponents know it, that history is intimidating to your opponents, and they'll often find a way to lose to you when the game is on the line. It's as though both teams have this ''belief'' of what is likely to transpire, and they play it out that way in crunch time.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I'm not sure if "winning teams" means a .510 team or a .900 team...

Winning teams generally have:

1) One great pitcher and one good pitcher.
2) Good hitting 1 through 6.
3) Excellent catcher, SS and CF.
4) Superior execution.
5) Speed in the outfield

I think there are many valid answers, but in my mind it boils down to one word- Belief.

You've watched one too many SportsCenters. Show me a that is nothing but heart, belief and confidence, and I'll show you a team begging for a beating.
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Mar 20, 2012
Sacramento, CA
The ''belief'' must be realistic, and it can take you only so far. But I have seen that kids are very much influenced by your expectations of them. That's less true with adults, who've already formed their opinions of themselves and are harder to change.

I've also experienced on this team, along with the occasional really good sports teams I've been on myself in bygone years, that if you win all the time, and your opponents know it, that history is intimidating to your opponents, and they'll often find a way to lose to you when the game is on the line. It's as though both teams have this ''belief'' of what is likely to transpire, and they play it out that way in crunch time.

The "belief" you speak of is called "The Aura of Invincibility." Once you have it, it's almost impossible to lose, even to a team of equal skill and ability. Truly amazing what a "Mental" advantage can do for you.
The ''belief'' must be realistic, and it can take you only so far
Absolutely, and while miracle upsets ,cinderella seasons, and people walking across red hot coals happen under the banner of belief, those are exceptions.The belief I was talking about though was more a launching point/building block that is not excluding other factors but rather inclusive of them.Not some jedi mind power of denial that changes a team of scrubs instantly into belles of the ball simply cause they believe they are.Rather instead a central intangible that can motivate and push a team/player/work group into achieving potential or even exceeding past expectation.But hey I was being a bit simplistic and thinking of an ideal where the belief was its self not fatally flawed nor was the leader/caretaker...should that be the case...well sorry and nevermind
You've watched one too many SportsCenters. Show me a that is nothing but heart, belief and confidence, and I'll show you a team begging for a beating.
Perhaps, but I would take my chances with a team with heart and belief over those with out them every time.

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