What if anything does this mean?

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May 7, 2008
So a few weeks ago my DD was at her hitting lesson at a local D1 college. She is blessed to have the AC a former D1 conference player of the year right around the corner from us. During this particular lesson the HC was in the building and stopped in to talk with me. My DD has been around the school and facilities for about a year now and is known by the HC. During the conversation the HC confirms my DD's age (12) and then asks height and weight. She then starts asking about how her catching is going and her home to first time (run). I of course answer all the questions and then the HC goes over and talks to my DD about her lesson and gives her some homework to improve her batting mechanics, after that she departs and we conclude the lesson.

What exactly was the coach getting at with the age, height, weight and speed questions? I have never dealth with this before as my DD is a 2019 so dealing with college coaches is very new to me. Any insight/opinions/experiences would be greatly appreciated.

I am assuming your DD is slender? Everythin the HC asked seemed to be focused on strength / speed and LEGS.

Could it be the HC is trying to, as gently as possible, suggest she put on some muscle especially in the legs department. College coaches seem to like lotsa muscles on their players.

Could be wrong here.
Nov 29, 2009
They have to ask their age because they're not allowed to talk to HS aged kids. The rest of it sounds like a coach just being a good guy and knowing he's in a position to make some peoples day by having some conversations. He also knows that if the kid does become a great softball player, he'll have established a relationship early and have a better chance to recruit. Well worth 5 minutes of his time.


If you are on their campus they can talk to you. Who knows. The coach may have liked what he saw in her swing and got some positive feedback from the hitting instructor. Either way the coach knows the player's name if they contact him in a few years.

I had a college AC working with a group of my 10U slappers several years ago. I had a couple of kids who were really good athletes. She wanted to know what year they were. When a coach see talent their interest is always piqued no matter what age the player is.
Oct 19, 2009
IMO I would not read a lot into it, other than a good coach giving some tips to someone they may have seen some potential in. I would be more interested in whether your daughter took the tips and ran with it or not.
Oct 19, 2009
I'm right here.
The coach may be a she.

So a few weeks ago my DD was at her hitting lesson at a local D1 college. She is blessed to have the AC a former D1 conference player of the year right around the corner from us. During this particular lesson the HC was in the building and stopped in to talk with me. My DD has been around the school and facilities for about a year now and is known by the HC. During the conversation the HC confirms my DD's age (12) and then asks height and weight. She then starts asking about how her catching is going and her home to first time (run). I of course answer all the questions and then the HC goes over and talks to my DD about her lesson and gives her some homework to improve her batting mechanics, after that she departs and we conclude the lesson.

Yup...sounds like he is a she.
Feb 15, 2013
I am assuming your DD is slender? Everythin the HC asked seemed to be focused on strength / speed and LEGS.

Could it be the HC is trying to, as gently as possible, suggest she put on some muscle especially in the legs department. College coaches seem to like lotsa muscles on their players.

Could be wrong here.

Well anything is possible but the questions were not geared towards leg strength in anyway. Having interacted with this HC there is no GENTLE way about her. There is just blunt honesty. I'm sure she would love to see my DD at 6'1'' 165 at 12 but that's not the case. Like i said i'm not sure what the conversation meant, just looking for insight from the group if they've dealth with anything similar and what if anything came of it.
Feb 15, 2013
IMO I would not read a lot into it, other than a good coach giving some tips to someone they may have seen some potential in. I would be more interested in whether your daughter took the tips and ran with it or not.

A few things i stress to my DD are BE COACHABLE, WORK HARD and be a good TEAMATE/LEADER. She doesn't shy away from practice which means it's still something she loves.
Jun 1, 2013
Just to answer Amy's question. YES, my DD is on the heavy side but has fast hands through the strike zone and hits for power. When you can hit home runs nobody cares about height and weight.

Tell that to Sally Borgenson, Mary Martha Givens, and Jessica Hollerman

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