What drills to do to improve my daughters succes at the plate

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Dec 11, 2010
I agree about basketball- oddly enough both of dd's seem to gain upper body strength which seems counterintuitive with all the running and jumping that goes on.

You are probably right about it being copied. As a bucketdad it is hard to see your dd's hard work and swing picked apart.

We have never videotaped that drill, I will add it to my Whiteboard Of Things To Do by the cage. I think it's benefits outweigh it's detriments, I try to remember that just like you can't perfect a swing in one night it's also pretty hard to destroy one with one drill if there is a solid foundation in place...
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
It can be a fun game for a group of hitters ... but it's a terrible drill.

One of our HS hitters decided last year to use this drill to warm-up prior to games. Her BA plummeted. The drill had her becoming static, army, lost flow ... and while she would express that this drill had her feeling confident about herself, it didn't materialize into game performance. What I saw the drill do is sap the goodness out of a hitter. Sad to see the kid go into games all pumped up and then crash-and-burn.
Jul 16, 2013
It can be a fun game for a group of hitters ... but it's a terrible drill.

One of our HS hitters decided last year to use this drill to warm-up prior to games. Her BA plummeted. The drill had her becoming static, army, lost flow ... and while she would express that this drill had her feeling confident about herself, it didn't materialize into game performance. What I saw the drill do is sap the goodness out of a hitter. Sad to see the kid go into games all pumped up and then crash-and-burn.

Personally I am not a fan of doing many "drills" on game day. We will stick with stuff like soft toss and save the other tee drills, etc. for practices. Unless one of the players has a specific need and one of the coaches can provide supervised instruction in that area.
Dec 1, 2013
Wooster Mass
Really!!!!!! :confused: No where did I say we got to 15 feet, what was said is that Howard advised for safety not to get closer that 15 feet.

This what I read. Maybe I should get my eyes checked because I surely don't see where you said you pitch 70 mph at 15 feeet in ANY OF YOUR POSTS.
Dec 1, 2013
Wooster Mass
Hof, just for arguments sake I'll say this: 1) I saw CB swing a bat in person a couple months ago. Her bat speed was other worldly. I have never seen anyone swing a bat like that. 2) if the person feeding the ball is giving the hitter a consistent timing cue, and the closer you are to the machine, you know where the ball will be. It is just a matter of timing it correctly. I swear, the closer my 15 year old and her friend got to the machine, the better they hit it. If they can hit most balls on a jugs machine set on 52-54 from 15' I bet CB can do some really crazy stuff.

CB hit a one hop pitch over the fence in a game. She is.... A different sort of hitter....

The problem I see with the story is what fool is going to feed the machine? My hand isn't going to be 5' from CB hitting back at it!

Edited to add: I wear a batting helmet with a face mask when feeding this drill from behind a pitching screen. There is no way to avoid the ball if it comes back at you and glances off the machine.

If Bustos swings the best/hardest of anyone you ever saw then you haven't worked with any baseball players.

I don't believe any of these close up drills are good for anything except potentially getting hurt. And if you have to have someone giving you a timing cue to hit the ball then whats the purpose.

And no doubt you will compromise form attempting this. ZERO DOUBT!

Silly drills! That's all ill say!
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It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Yes I have! Many times, far from the best PERSON I have seen hit.


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