What drills to do to improve my daughters succes at the plate

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Dec 1, 2013
Wooster Mass
Mechanically, I think there's a lot in common*- with her game swing, not her videos.

* Based on my understanding of swing mechanics at this point in time, and commentary made by others much more knowledgeable than myself, which I have not been able to disprove.

Eric she isn't the best PERSON. Heck I don't even know if shes the best girl! The poster was saying shes the best hes ever seen. I simply made the comment that you aren't around baseball then.

That's all I meant. So please tell me there is no argument that she isn't better than a MLB player? lol!

And whats in bold I agree with COMPLETELY!
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Never mind. I am cured from the world of "Internet hitting fights"

Forgive me for I have sinned! I broke my #1 rule!

Here's the thing, HOF - why make it a fight? Let's discuss and share concepts based on what we understand about the swing. I'm learning all the time. Sometimes, I learn that I had it wrong before. Sometimes, I can help others see something they haven't yet been able to see, because I've already been at that point of the road. I'm no expert, and never played the game at a high level. I'm just a student trying to help his kid play as well as she wants, and help her teammates improve their skills and enjoy the game.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Eric she isn't the best PERSON. Heck I don't even know if shes the best girl! The poster was saying shes the best hes ever seen. I simply made the comment that you aren't around baseball then.

That's all I meant. So please tell me there is no argument that she isn't better than a MLB player? lol!

And whats in bold I agree with COMPLETELY!

I had simply asked if you had ever seen her hit in person. It wasn't a challenge. I was just curious about your basis of comparison.


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
I had simply asked if you had ever seen her hit in person. It wasn't a challenge. I was just curious about your basis of comparison.

Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
I read it and I don't see where he said 70 mph at 15 feet anywhere?

He stated performing the drill with the machine set at 70mph. He also gave directions of advancing to within 15ft of the pitching machine … which is not wise IMO ... and hence the reason for running the math to point out how ridiculous the 15ft mark is ... which remains ridiculous even at a 60mph setting.
Dec 11, 2010
Yo Hof, I'm a bucket dad not a Pro hitting coach. I've seen pro hitters from the stands and I've seen video of the best of the best swinging bats. That's the extent of my knowledge.

It sure looks different and sounds different when you are 15 feet away. It was really impressive.

I was mostly responding to someone who didn't think it was possible to hit a ball that close to the machine. For the reasons I stated above I think it is. I also think this drill was good for my dd's. Maybe not every day for an hour at a time but they get something out of it when we do it occasionally. Nothing more. Now let's all slop some rum in our nog and have some cookies, it's the most wonderful part of the year!
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Dec 1, 2013
Wooster Mass
He stated performing the drill with the machine set at 70mph. He also gave directions of advancing to within 15ft of the pitching machine … which is not wise IMO ... and hence the reason for running the math to point out how ridiculous the 15ft mark is ... which remains ridiculous even at a 60mph setting.

I agree but he did not DIRECTLY SAY we pitch 70 mph at 15 feet. If he did produce it. You drew your own conclusion.

But I totally agree with you, whether its possible or not who cares. Its not a good drill and IMO good for nothing!
Dec 1, 2013
Wooster Mass
Here's the thing, HOF - why make it a fight? Let's discuss and share concepts based on what we understand about the swing. I'm learning all the time. Sometimes, I learn that I had it wrong before. Sometimes, I can help others see something they haven't yet been able to see, because I've already been at that point of the road. I'm no expert, and never played the game at a high level. I'm just a student trying to help his kid play as well as she wants, and help her teammates improve their skills and enjoy the game.

You have no fight here! I can tell where to go though if that's what you are looking for? Lol!
Dec 1, 2013
Wooster Mass

Eric do you see the same CONCEPT in these 2 swings? ( Look below ) Not arguing. I see something totally different in CONCEPT here. Not age of the girl or how well she performs it!

I guess the question is why do these high level female athletes conform to popular teachings instead of teaching what the know? I could possibly use Jenny Finch as an example on the pitching side as well.

This is a topic for discussion, Im not looking to argue and maybe this has been DISCUSSED before. I just don't get it. Does anyone have a theory as to why she teaches different than she swings. I had a small discussing with Howard a while back and he tells me Im wrong she doesn't teach different than she was taught or different from what SHE DOES IN HER SWING! I simply disagree.

The question is why. Not if she teaches a different swing, my mind is CLOSED ON THAT POINT! But the question is why? My theory is its easier to see results in a short frame of time?

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