Well it happened...DD announced her decision last night

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Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
She will not be pursuing college softball. I knew it was coming, I am sad but I totally understand and support her reasons. She will, however, continue playing through high school but will be playing her last game in her senior year...I will be a mess. Sigh.

What helped me realize that she probably would come to that decision was seeing my DS's passion for football. When comparing to my DD's, DS's far surpasses hers by a long mile. He constantly has a football in his hands and is begging every member of house hold to go throw with him. DD never did this. Sigh. Don't get me wrong, she loves softball but her level of passion is nowhere near my son's.

Will still be perusing DFP to help her with HS ball...and she will still be getting lessons for pitching/hitting. Right now, we are trying to decide what to do about travel ball. Should she stay where she is at (high level of competition but won't get playing time when announce that we are not pursuing college ball) or should she find a lower level team much closer to home? Obviously, money factors into this...why would I spend the money now knowing that there is no ROI? Lots to talk/think about. :)

Also need to divert my energies to finding academic scholarships and finding services that help. Any suggestions?? :)
Jun 22, 2008
My daughter made noise from time to time about quitting. But then the team would take a couple of week break and she would be itching to go again. After she tore up her shoulder she again said she wasnt sure she wanted to play in college, but winning the HS state championship renewed her desire. I also reminded her every time she talked about walking away that she only had X number of years left to play, and did she really want to look back later in her life and ask herself why she didnt finish out her career.

Try moving to a team closer to home so the travel and practices arent so time consuming. Maybe less pressure and travel will change her mind. If she does change her mind, plenty of jr colleges where she can play and get a free 2 years worth of college.
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
My daughter made noise from time to time about quitting. But then the team would take a couple of week break and she would be itching to go again. After she tore up her shoulder she again said she wasnt sure she wanted to play in college, but winning the HS state championship renewed her desire. I also reminded her every time she talked about walking away that she only had X number of years left to play, and did she really want to look back later in her life and ask herself why she didnt finish out her career.

Try moving to a team closer to home so the travel and practices arent so time consuming. Maybe less pressure and travel will change her mind. If she does change her mind, plenty of jr colleges where she can play and get a free 2 years worth of college.

I guess I should reiterate from past posts...she wants to pursue career in engineering. She has an interest in chemistry so it may be chemical engineering. Also, she is pretty smart being ranked 15 out of 942 in her class. I think that with all that we discussed about playing college ball AND having a major in engineering...she resolved to focus just on her career path. While it could change, with the schools she is interested in, she would need to get on their radar NOW (or rather last year but that didn't happen). She seems pretty happy with her decision which leads me to believe it is firm.
Oct 10, 2011
At this point, if it was my DD, I would put her where she could just enjoy playing the game. That's supposed to be what it's about anyway, so maybe a less grueling schedule and more fun.
Jul 16, 2013
I guess I should reiterate from past posts...she wants to pursue career in engineering. She has an interest in chemistry so it may be chemical engineering. Also, she is pretty smart being ranked 15 out of 942 in her class. I think that with all that we discussed about playing college ball AND having a major in engineering...she resolved to focus just on her career path. While it could change, with the schools she is interested in, she would need to get on their radar NOW (or rather last year but that didn't happen). She seems pretty happy with her decision which leads me to believe it is firm.

To me, this is the most important statement in your post. In regards to the travel ball question, I like iMlearnings response. She seems very mature and responsible. Allow her to make the decision. Either way, enjoy the rest of the ride.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
At this point, if it was my DD, I would put her where she could just enjoy playing the game. That's supposed to be what it's about anyway, so maybe a less grueling schedule and more fun.

Totally agree with iMlearning. Locally there there are a number of 18U teams that are full of committed players who don't need to showcase anymore and girls not intending to play college ball that still play all the local tournaments but don't travel. They seem to be having the most fun in the age group anyway.

I have said it before, but it is worth saying again - what a sad sports system we live in here in the USA where you feel forced to choose between a high level educational goal such as engineering and playing a sport (or that high level sports and college are tied together in any way). I can't think of anywhere else in the world where this is the case.
Jun 1, 2013
I guess I should reiterate from past posts...she wants to pursue career in engineering. She has an interest in chemistry so it may be chemical engineering. Also, she is pretty smart being ranked 15 out of 942 in her class. I think that with all that we discussed about playing college ball AND having a major in engineering...she resolved to focus just on her career path. While it could change, with the schools she is interested in, she would need to get on their radar NOW (or rather last year but that didn't happen). She seems pretty happy with her decision which leads me to believe it is firm.

15 out of 942 is awesome. With all those smarts though she may just come to the realization that a full ride scholarship may be worth 2 or 4 extra years of softball. My oldest DD went through the same thing going into her junior year. It hurt her chances at a year school because she was disinterested in playing beyond HS. She said she didn't want to play right up until she walked on the field for her first practice of her senior year. When season was over she changed her mind again and wanted to play at the collegiate level. It was too late for her, there were some D1 schools offering but they had limited funds left. So she took a 2 year ride to a JUCO with a horrible coach. Coach got fired mid season of second year and the opportunity to transfer was lost. Her final year of softball she had 12 home runs. Regret is the one thing you don't want your dd to learn in college. Unfortunately mine did. Keep her options open, keep her mind open, if not for love of the game, approach it as if it is her first high paying job. When this chapter of her life is over, do be looking back with her regretting your actions. Keep the recruiting process going. Let her turn down an offer or 2 then hang it up. Just MO.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I guess I should reiterate from past posts...she wants to pursue career in engineering. She has an interest in chemistry so it may be chemical engineering. Also, she is pretty smart being ranked 15 out of 942 in her class. I think that with all that we discussed about playing college ball AND having a major in engineering...she resolved to focus just on her career path. While it could change, with the schools she is interested in, she would need to get on their radar NOW (or rather last year but that didn't happen). She seems pretty happy with her decision which leads me to believe it is firm.

Again, you deserve congratulations. Obviously, you've done a whole lot right. Find a travel team closer to home where she'll get to play and have fun. That's what this game is supposed to be, but too many get lost chasing "ROI" in the form of scholarships or simply the ego boost of saying "my kid plays college ball" at some small regional / community college. Your son will play football for as long as he can, and then it will be OVER...I know this from personal experience. He may play in some flag football league, but he'll very likely never put on pads again. IF your daughter has time, she can play intramural ball in school, and later on, some lucky fast / slow-pitch team from work or church may talk her into playing with them. If she chooses, she could play for decades to come, at as high a level as she can handle.

If the GPA and test scores are there, you'll have a much easier time finding that academic scholarship.
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Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
15 out of 942 is awesome. With all those smarts though she may just come to the realization that a full ride scholarship may be worth 2 or 4 extra years of softball.

There's far more opportunity for academic scholarships that you seem to realize. My class standing wasn't that good, and I got a "full ride" to one of the largest private universities in the country. For many schools, being in the top 1-2% is more than enough, and a high ACT / SAT score opens many doors.

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