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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
do you think your pitcher feels it's strategic? ... I don't think she would be mentally or physically worn out I think she would be pissed off.

Yes, I think mature pitchers understand that it's strategic. I'm sure sometimes they have been frustrated that there were errors, but not in a way that caused them to think, 'Why don't you pull her and not me?' It might've been, 'If they hadn't made 3 errors, I wouldn't be so tired that I needed to be pulled.' I don't think I've had a pitcher think that she was being 'blamed' in a long time, maybe 10U. I think experienced pitchers know the deal. In 4 seasons as head coach, I never had a pitcher question why she was pulled. Not saying they all were thrilled by it.

Wonder if the coach had switched out the player who was making error after error would that had changed things? Other fielders see a player getting pulled maybe they would step up there game?

That's a different subject. Remember that pitchers aren't being pulled to send a message. But if you pull a fielder, you have sent a message. One could argue that having a fielder pulled mid-inning would motivate other players to step up their game, but it also make players afraid to make mistakes for fear they'll be punished. It might lead to more errors. A fielder being pulled mid-inning is much more disturbing to a player than a pitcher being pulled.
Dec 9, 2011
yep you can't pull them all but why is it always the pitcher? pull the first baseman or pull the 3rd baseman or pull a outfielder... yep i agree there needs to be a change but wonder why it's always the pitcher. change a fielder who is messing up. I saw a game last week the 3rd baseman let two go between her legs and threw three over the first basemans head they scored and four runs scored and guess what they pulled the pitcher. Oh yea 3rd baseman stayed in the game and continued making errors and was never pulled. That team lost 16-10.... maybe a change at 3rd should had been done. (probably coaches daughter) lol when you watch football quarterback throws 8 passes the same receiver drops 7 of the 8 passes do you pull the quarterback or receiver? do we need to rethink things before we pull certain players? Shoot I don't know just something to think about.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
was the Pitcher the Coaches DD?

I was an AC on a U12 LL team where the HC DD was pitching and she gave up 30-odd runs but was kept in the game "she has to learn to work through it" in the end the Pitcher and her parents blamed it on her fielders not backing her up.

She had given up over 20 BB


Psycho for softball!
Feb 13, 2013
At the fields
Walked 6 of them. 3 per inning. The pitches were over the catchers reach, in the dirt...
The other team was better that's for sure. When they hit it was way in outfield.
That would be a whole different thread lol.

We have 3 good pitchers. That night was not her night. Clearly.. so why would you wait so long to make the change?
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Had the pitcher's parents been harassing the coach about circle time?

I had SS one year who wanted to pitch, for weeks the dad would ask "can she pitch this game"? Finally I grew tired and told her "the next game is yours". From the first batter she was getting slapped around, banged around, long balled, bunted to death. I don't remember the score per inning, but it was bad. The AC asked "you gonna pull her"? I said "NO WAY".

The dad never asked again for her to pitch, and she went on to be a great SS.


Psycho for softball!
Feb 13, 2013
At the fields
HC daughter. I left that out because more often than not he is pretty good at not falling into the "daddy ball" category. I like to give him the benefit of doubt first.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
HC daughter. I left that out because more often than not he is pretty good at not falling into the "daddy ball" category. I like to give him the benefit of doubt first.

That ( HC DD ) could open a new world of possibilities. :) A few times over the many years, my DD would give less than 100% at practice or home practice leading up to a game/tournament. A couple of times in games that followed she got rocked in the circle, AND I LEFT HER THERE TO GET ROCKED SOME MORE. ( to prove a point )

Not always, but sometimes when you see a coach do something "nuts", there is a reason behind it. lol
Aug 29, 2011
plenty of reason why P would be left out there or pulled depending on situation.

DD was left out there this Sunday to give up 8 in the last inning of a 15-0 loss (our last game of the season too). Granted in the inning 1B dropped 2 popus, 2B (who was rock solid all weekend her only E) kicked a ball, SS missed a popup and then failed to pick it up at second for easy force, 3B failed know where to go twice resulting in no out on either play and DD-P botched 2 easy come backers herself. Plenty of blame to go around, it was truly a team effort. These things will happen sometimes at 8U.

After about 4 were in I was kind of hoping they'd pull DD but glad she kept trying to battle and eventually did get out of the inning.
Jan 24, 2011
I had a pitcher last year (1st year 14u) that I pulled early a few times and her parents complained that I would never "give her the chance" to work her way out of bad innings. Well , the next time around , I left her out there to give her the chance and she gave up 13 runs in the first inning. They then threw a fit about me not taking her out and letting her get embarrassed. So , like stated in posts above , there could be many reason why a coach would do things like this. If you trust him as a coach , then I wouldn't spend too much time second guessing


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
As to the OP about pulling a pitcher after 12 runs...Unless there are unusual circumstances, the pitcher should have come out. But, stuff happens and a coach will do something that looks stupid in retrospect.

As to pulling a pitcher when her defense is terrible...a pitcher has a limit to how many times she can be seen by the batters. For some pitchers it is twice through the order and for others it is five times. For a lot of MLB relief pitchers, it is once--which is why they are relief pitchers and not starting pitchers. Once that limit is hit, the pitcher is done. It doesn't matter "why" she hit the limit.

Joeman...for some reason, people feel that a SS will die if she gets pulled in the middle of an inning for making a bonehead play. Seriously, I have pulled position players in the middle of an inning, and the parents thought it was a public execution. If I pulled the pitcher, no one said a word. I guess pitchers are made of sterner stuff than the rest of the team...
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