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Jun 24, 2013
A new pitcher should change where the ball is being hit. Maybe the batters will stop hitting the ball to the 3 players making all the errors.

Dad last year asked me why the coach was going out to talk to the pitcher she was the only one on the field doing her job. I told them that is probably what the coach is telling her.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
why do they always pull the pitcher when it's not the pitchers fault. You see fielders make error after error but they never get pulled. You see catchers pass ball after pass ball... they never get pulled... just a thought... I saw several games in Clearwater where the pitcher did her job if it wasn't for the errors and they pull the pitcher??

Good question, but it's not an issue of 'fault'. It's a question of whether another pitcher is now considered a better option for whatever reason. If a pitcher has thrown to 10 batters, even if 8 reached on error, that pitcher might be mentally or physically worn out. It's not a case of punishment or blaming. It's a strategic move. You might even be saving her for later rather than have her toil in a lost cause.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Unlike baseball where you can pitch pretty much anyone, I only have so many girls who are capable of pitching on any team. On my DEEPEST team I had 2 girls who could pitch, one that could throw fastball strikes and one who could get the ball over the plate. Most of the time I have had 2 1/2 pitchers with one reliable, one on and off and one on sometimes/mostly wild.

On double elimination day I have left a few girls out there when the game was out of hand because there was no way I could tire my #1 for the next game which was more important. Even on pool days - if I needed a win in the next game (to avoid the 8am time slot) I might let the game get more out of hand to set up for the next game.

Early in the season I have a slower hook than later in the season as I am looking to develop pitchers who need circle time or need to have them work through some issues separate from the score. I can't develop my #3 or even my #2 if I pull her every time she has issues. I'll take a whipping now for a win later in the season. Same with batting and fielding (we once played a pool game where our 'hit away' batters bunted no matter what the count/score and situation and our speedsters/contact hitters swung away).

So sometimes long-term thinking trumps short term getting out of this game thinking.

And of course sometimes the coach doesn't know what his doing in which case the volunteer forms for you to coach are right over there.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Could be a variety of reasons... was this league play or a tourney? Pool or bracket?
We were on the wrong end of a 10 run inning last weekend. My best pitcher is out with a knee injury (my dd) and my #2 was pitching that day at a 10u level... so my brand new pitcher who can throw pretty consistent strikes at 50-52mph was throwing right down main st. The other team ate her alive. Hit after hit and error after error. We lost the championship game 21-4. I chose to leave her in because it was irrelevant to switch back again at that point. And it was giving my new pitcher some lessons about the value of hitting corners.
Dec 9, 2011
Coogan I agree... I wasn't really talking strategic just thinking out loud... do you think your pitcher feels it's strategic? maybe she comes out thinking why am I being pulled when sally sue and peggy loo keeps making errors and there still playing. Maybe the coach should pull them and not me. What are the pitchers really thinking? I don't think she would be mentally or physically worn out I think she would be pissed off. Wonder if the coach had switched out the player who was making error after error would that had changed things? Other fielders see a player getting pulled maybe they would step up there game?
Dec 9, 2011
Coach did the ump allow you corners. Shoot I've seen some games the ump would only call a strike straight down the middle.
(tough games)


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Coogan I agree... I wasn't really talking strategic just thinking out loud... do you think your pitcher feels it's strategic? maybe she comes out thinking why am I being pulled when sally sue and peggy loo keeps making errors and there still playing. Maybe the coach should pull them and not me. What are the pitchers really thinking? I don't think she would be mentally or physically worn out I think she would be pissed off. Wonder if the coach had switched out the player who was making error after error would that had changed things? Other fielders see a player getting pulled maybe they would step up there game?

That is all coaching responsibilities - letting players know why you are doing what you are doing, motivating players, making the decisions that (you hope) are best for the team, etc, etc, etc. And that is for ALL situations - not just when you are getting your butt kicked. I spend a lot of time talking to the players about 'WHY'.
Dec 9, 2011
I'm not talking about if a pitcher is missing her spots and pitches aren't working or she giving up walk after walk. I'm thinking the pitcher is doing her job. easy ground balls, easy pop ups, catcher has passed balls or drops third strike and throws it in right field... and guess what... they pull the pitcher.. Hey just thinking out loud guys.
Jun 11, 2013
There are times you just don't have anyone else available. Maybe a pool game right after, injury,etc, but if you are going to let a pitcher get shelled, you need to talk to them and explain why. Most of the pitchers I know understand and want to fight through it.
Apr 1, 2010
I'm not talking about if a pitcher is missing her spots and pitches aren't working or she giving up walk after walk. I'm thinking the pitcher is doing her job. easy ground balls, easy pop ups, catcher has passed balls or drops third strike and throws it in right field... and guess what... they pull the pitcher.. Hey just thinking out loud guys.

If it's the other 8 players messing up, the coach can't pull them all, but he/she can pull the pitcher. Sometimes the wheels fall off and the team needs something to change, even if it's not the pitcher's fault.

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