Trying to watch soccer

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Dec 7, 2011
How many here besides me were ignorant about FP before their DDs started playing seriously?

BK - before kids - I was ignorant to anything but football/baseball/basketball. Ya know, a pure American boy.

Then my kids introduced me to soccer & softball. Soccer was cute when all the little youths scrummed together kicking each other in the shins but I have to say as soon as soccer got onto a full size field it lost me for live real-time viewing.

Love softball & baseball but especially baseball will find myself fast-forwarding to reduce the length of sit-down-n-watch time.

Come to think about it, for tv viewing of sports I probably wouldn't watch 10% of what I do now if I didn't have the fast-forward button on the DVR. But then when I go to live baseball/softball games I wouldn't trade the whole 3+ hour experience for the world (I commit to the "event").

Back to the point - was ignorant to soccer - now not - I will watch Olympic and WC Soccer but will always have the finger on the fast-forward button to get through mid-field boredom and all the friggin player crying time. But when they run set plays inside roughly 25 yards of the goal I can get as excited as any sport.
Jul 26, 2010
I tried watching. We have a big conference room that we use for teleconfrencing setup for the world cup, it has 6 huge screens and is decorated with flags and such for the world cup. There's beer and pizza.

After 2 days of watching sporadically (mostly for beer and pizza), I still can't understand how they play kickball without the bases. I'm not even sure where the players are. There's some brightly colored fellows on the grass who appear to wear mostly matching uniforms, but they aren't really working hard enough to be athletes, so it can't be them.



Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
The commercials are better than super bowl! Just saw the kia one that the babe changes the tv in the redneck bar from nascar to soccer...."futbol"

Also, I have watched 6 games now, I think. Every country, players and fans, belt out their national anthems full blast. Hope the U.S of A shows that enthusiasm.
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Feb 7, 2013
I'm surrounded by dang fur'ners at work, there's no escaping it, they even encourage it by streaming it to all the plasma's in the building.

Are we all not "fur'ners" in the U.S.?

Re: soccer, unless you played the sport it's very hard to appreciate the talent and strategy of the game.

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