Trick Plays Again....

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Mar 19, 2012
Found a post a while back people talking about trick plays they have used or currently use. Found it to be entertaining but its several years old so thought I would see if I could revive it? Any body got some good ones?

Offensive or defensive
Oct 19, 2009
A good one with two outs, runners on 2nd and 3rd. Catcher snap throws to the third baseman while the second baseman sneaks up on the unsuspecting runner leading off of second. Third baseman immediately (and without regard for the runner leading off 3rd) fires to the second baseman to get the runner leading off 2nd out on the tag.

This works really well if that runner on 2nd is getting cocky taking big leads. Makes her a perfect target.
Nov 23, 2010
North Carolina
A play I saw work this week-end, runners on 1st and 3rd with one out. The first time this scenario played out, the 1st base runner was stealing second and the catcher threw to 2nd base covered by the ss. The second time, same action but the 2nd baseman was running full speed watching the runner at 3rd, intercepted the ball and picked the runner off 3rd base. Beautiful play to watch. 14U by the way.
Nov 17, 2010
Saw one last year that worked at a younger age group.

Runner on third, taking a decent lead on every pitch.
Catcher, in an apparent pick off attempt throws the ball over the 3b head to a charging LF
Runner attempts home, LF throws her out.
Jul 16, 2008
We used this to our advantage several times last year at 14U. BR on 1st, with SAC bunt, (Our normal defense is if the bunt is to 3rd baseman then pitcher covers 3B, other than that if anyone else fields the bunt 3rd runs back to the bag) we call out the play where both pitcher and 3rd baseman do not go toward 3B. The left fielder sneeks behind 3rd base coach (who always sees 3B open and wants the lead runner going). Throw out lead runner going to 3rd using the left fielder.
Oct 25, 2009
This should be a routine play as it happens most of the time. Bases loaded, the 1st base runner always takes a big lead. Catcher throws to 1st, 1st baseman tries to tag the runner coming back to the bag. Many times the 3rd base runner will hesitate and then try to score, so you can get two outs.

If the 3rd base runner breaks on the throw to 1st, the 1st baseman forgets the 1st base runner and throws home.

I see this all the time in HS ball but hardly ever does the catcher throw to 1st. Frustrating!
Jan 15, 2009
“The ol’ Wichita pickoff.”

Aug 4, 2008
Runners on first and second. Batter has 2-2 count, umpire calls ball and she proceeds to first base. Now both runners move to second and third while the defense just stands there. It basically is a double steal with defense indeference. I have seen it done at all levels and in high school. You catch the other team napping.

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