tough coaching decision - time limit game

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Jan 18, 2010
In your face
A coaches job is to put their team in a position to win. Not to cling to lofty ideals about the spirit of the game. The spirit of the game went in the dumper when they turned it into a TIMED GAME!!!

Rise is correct, as a coach, it's my job ( during a game for a berth ) to manage my team for a win. I will use the rules, statistics, gut feelings to come out on top. This is a game of chess, many moving parts for the "checkmate".
Jul 2, 2013
We have played on great teams. Won big championships. When young for travel, we won because we were the best team. The clock was never even thought about.

Looking at the clock, playing differently because of the clock is a LOSER's mentality.

Much better though when the games are 7 innings long.

Maybe the game has changed. Maybe the best of the best, also make significant adjustments because of the clock.

Travel is hit and miss these days. Paying the money that gets payed, and not being able to make it even a full TWO times around the order because of the DRAMA coaches, pitchers, hitters, and others do who do not really understand the VAST majority of parents (who are the ones PAYING) just want to see fast pitching, get in the box, and get a bunch of at bats. Shall the best team win.
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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
We have played on great teams. Won big championships. When young for travel, we won because we were the best team. The clock was never even thought about.

Looking at the clock, playing differently because of the clock is a LOSER's mentality.

Much better though when the games are 7 innings long.

Maybe the game has changed. Maybe the best of the best, also make significant adjustments because of the clock.

Travel is hit and miss these days. Paying the money that gets payed, and not being able to make it even a full TWO times around the order because of the DRAMA coaches, pitchers, hitters, and others do who do not really understand the VAST majority of parents (who are the ones PAYING) just want to see fast pitching, get in the box, and get a bunch of at bats. Shall the best team win.

You should play at Disney's ESPN WWOS. Sounds like you have already been playing in Fantasyland. Parents could care less about the pace of the game as long as their DD does not sit, plays well, teams wins, and at some point Sally gets signed.
Jul 2, 2013
You should play at Disney's ESPN WWOS. Sounds like you have already been playing in Fantasyland. Parents could care less about the pace of the game as long as their DD does not sit, plays well, teams wins, and at some point Sally gets signed.

I am not sure you talk to enough parents. But who are they, except the ones paying the bills for every single person inside the fence.

But no, argue away, stall the game, make more drama ... it is your stage (paid for by the parents)


Feb 20, 2012
Would not have her step on plate and make contact with the ball. Have her step across plate when pitcher breaks her hands. Dead ball and out no contact needed. Play the percentages and go to another inning. I will take my 2 - 6 with no outs over lead off with 2 outs.

This^^^^^. We have also run a batter off the base for the 3rd out in order to turn over an inning.
Feb 3, 2011
But no, argue away, stall the game, make more drama ... it is your stage (paid for by the parents)
'Stall the game'? A regulation game is 7 innings. The situation in question arose in the 5th inning. A regulation game has no time limit.

Getting the next inning started in a timed game is a strategy you disagree with. But that only means you disagree with the coaches who'd manage the game that way. It doesn't mean that you're right in your suggestion that such a move somehow disrespects the game and its participants.

If it's just a regular tournament or even the quarterfinal of the qualifier, we're going to play it out and try to get a 2-out rally going. But if we're right there on the cusp of earning that berth to Nationals, I'm going to try to get our team into the most advantageous position possible.

The situation doesn't change the way some coaches manage and that's fine, but other coaches allow the situation to influence strategy. It's a lot like the decision to make pitching changes within a game. Some coaches/parents don't think there should ever be a mid-inning change, regardless of situation, while other coaches/parents think 4 consecutive walks means it's time to make a change.
Sep 18, 2011
As you describe the scenario, though, I find fault with the tournament coordinator because of the fact that the championship was not a full 7-inning game. With a berth to ASA Nationals on the line, there should've been no clock.

For the record, this was a semifinal game. The other team in the finals are going to PGF so just getting to the finals would guarantee an ASA berth. I do believe that the championship game (and as it turned out the "if necessary game") were full seven inning games.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
For some reason, I don't consider speeding up the game up to gamesmanship. By speeding it up, you're making it more like a real game - that is, closer to the 7-inning game it was intended to be. Also you're sacrificing a batter to do it. That's unlike intentionally and artificially slowing the game. Slowing the game makes the clock a factor (which is not how the game was intended to be played), and it also shafts the other team. Speeding the game doesn't really shaft anybody.

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