Today's new low in starting a travel team

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Sep 24, 2013
We had a 10U coach try to pawn a pitcher off on us this past fall. He said he had too many pitchers. She was going to be his number 4 and he felt bad that she wasn't going to get any circle time. When asked how she threw he said she threw 52MPH, had 5 pitches and threw strikes. REALLY, and she's your number 4?.

Anybody out there that would get rid of a pitcher with these creds in the 10U division? You can probably figure out how this tryout went.

Anyone can throw 50 at 35 feet! and that pitchin the dirt is a drop, the one over the catchers head is a rise, the one that hits batters is a screw, the one that hits the umpire is a curve....catch my drift. And its all the catchers fault!!



Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
We had a 10U coach try to pawn a pitcher off on us this past fall. He said he had too many pitchers. She was going to be his number 4 and he felt bad that she wasn't going to get any circle time. When asked how she threw he said she threw 52MPH, had 5 pitches and threw strikes. REALLY, and she's your number 4?.

Anybody out there that would get rid of a pitcher with these creds in the 10U division? You can probably figure out how this tryout went.

Yep, I can guess exactly how it went... :cool:

I wouldn't get rid of a pitcher with these creds in 14U and frankly at rising stars I saw several girls in 18U-A who couldn't realistically claim to have all those creds and they were still finding ways to be successful.

So yeah. I could win nationals with a 52mph strike thrower in 10U.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
We had a 10U coach try to pawn a pitcher off on us this past fall. He said he had too many pitchers. She was going to be his number 4 and he felt bad that she wasn't going to get any circle time. When asked how she threw he said she threw 52MPH, had 5 pitches and threw strikes. REALLY, and she's your number 4?.

Anybody out there that would get rid of a pitcher with these creds in the 10U division? You can probably figure out how this tryout went.

Just a SWAG

Pitcher #1 - Head Coaches DD
Pitcher #2 - Pitcher #1's sister
Pitcher #3 - Assistant Coaches DD
Pitcher #4 - Threat to #1-3
May 7, 2008
I know a guy that quit a successful insurance position, to start an indoor facility. In fact, I know 2 of them. The problem was, the dad knew nothing about softball. The daughters were 10 and lost interest about the time their dads jumped in with both feet. Neither facility survived very long.

I saw one practicing with a team, at a diamond next to me. I tried to tell him that his pitcher couldn't step backwards. he argued that she could. I felt like saying, "Let's see how this works out for you." They were playing ASA.
May 5, 2014
A total tangent, but had to share:

Medical Term Redneck Definition

Artery - The study of paintings
Bacteria - Back door to cafeteria
Barium - What doctors do when patients die
Benign - What you be, after you be eight
Caesarean Section - A neighborhood in Rome
Cat scan - Searching for Kitty
Cauterize - Made eye contact with her
Colic - A sheep dog
Coma - A punctuation mark
Dilate - To live long
Enema - Not a friend
Fester - Quicker than someone else
Fibula - A small lie
Impotent - Distinguished, well known
Labor Pain - Getting hurt at work
Medical Staff - A Doctor's cane
Morbid - A higher offer
Nitrates - Rates of Pay for Working at Night, normally more money than Days
Node - I knew it
Outpatient - A person who has fainted
Pelvis - Second cousin to Elvis
Post Operative - A letter carrier
Recovery Room - Place to do upholstery
Rectum - Nearly killed him
Secretion - Hiding something
Seizure - Roman Emperor
Tablet - A small table
Terminal Illness - Getting sick at the airport
Tumor - One plus one more
Urine - Opposite of you're out

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