Today's new low in starting a travel team

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Sep 24, 2013
come on abroad lol

Definition of abroad (adv)

Bing Dictionary
[ ə bráwd ]

1.away from your own country: in or to another country or other countries
Jun 29, 2013
When I read the linked post I assumed it was from someone from another country here for a tournament, until I saw the part about wanting more players to try out. SMH


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
It's ok.. there is a college team that totally misspells their team name and have made up some BS to cover the fact ('locals spell it that way' I believe is their current justification which is actually not true.

I'll give you a clue for this one:
Spell the word you would use to describe a breed of 'race horse' or sometimes any kind of 'purebred' horse.

The word has a somewhat unusual spelling for USA English, but because of the base words, there is only one acceptable way to spell it... which the college doesn't use.

... and no I won't post my local example. People locally know who I am on this board even if most of them are just lurkers and I am not burning any bridges unnecessarily
Aug 29, 2011
How can someone be so clueless to not catch the misspelling ?


to which I say



Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
It's ok.. there is a college team that totally misspells their team name and have made up some BS to cover the fact ('locals spell it that way' I believe is their current justification which is actually not true.

I'll give you a clue for this one:
Spell the word you would use to describe a breed of 'race horse' or sometimes any kind of 'purebred' horse.

The word has a somewhat unusual spelling for USA English, but because of the base words, there is only one acceptable way to spell it... which the college doesn't use.

... and no I won't post my local example. People locally know who I am on this board even if most of them are just lurkers and I am not burning any bridges unnecessarily

Do I submit my answer to Will Shortz?
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Jun 1, 2013
One of the funnest things I have seen in awhile was a psycho softball dad starting a new 12U team and he posted an ad on our local message board looking for a pitcher and in the ad he stated "must throw 55 MPH or faster" if 55+ MPH 12U pitchers grow on trees! LOL

And you know there was some crazy pitcher's parent that took a mid 40's pitcher over to them swearing she throws close to 60. Match made in heaven.
Mar 21, 2013
We had a 10U coach try to pawn a pitcher off on us this past fall. He said he had too many pitchers. She was going to be his number 4 and he felt bad that she wasn't going to get any circle time. When asked how she threw he said she threw 52MPH, had 5 pitches and threw strikes. REALLY, and she's your number 4?.

Anybody out there that would get rid of a pitcher with these creds in the 10U division? You can probably figure out how this tryout went.

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