Timing is Timing ~ It takes training

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May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
Practicing off live pitching has it's benefits (vs machine) but the context under which it takes place is important. In my experience a lot of live pitch BP does not take place with the context of an at bat, most of the time it's pitchers throwing fastballs and batters taking swings. Live BP is most effective when it mimics real game at bats, someone has to call balls and strikes, and pitcher has to have the freedom to use her full arsenal to strike out the hitter.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
Many cannot hit off jugs machine set at 70 mph. In fact, I would say most.
I don't disagree, but I would say most girls struggle with it because it's the first time they're seeing an actual riseball. Pure back spin at a high velocity is what makes it hard to hit.

Timing is important. What's most important is hand-eye coordination. Ted Williams was a fighter pilot during WWII and Korea. He had exceptional eyesight that allowed him to see the spin better than almost anyone. It's also what makes a hockey goalie great. Without HE coordination, all the great mechanics mean nothing.
Aug 20, 2017
Timing begins with the front foot getting up. There are mechanics involved with teaching the front foot to get up. Not getting into that lol!

The pitching machine has to be used appropriately. The main reason I use the machine (when I don’t have a live pitcher) is to learn to get the front foot up BEFORE seeing the ball.

When hitting velo, hitters want to cheat. They try to launch forward, which makes them longer and slower. They do that on the machine. The two things I try to teach when using the machine is to get the front foot up before I put the ball in the machine and to launch backwards at the moment of GO.

May 27, 2013
Timing begins with the front foot getting up. There are mechanics involved with teaching the front foot to get up. Not getting into that lol!

The pitching machine has to be used appropriately. The main reason I use the machine (when I don’t have a live pitcher) is to learn to get the front foot up BEFORE seeing the ball.

When hitting velo, hitters want to cheat. They try to launch forward, which makes them longer and slower. They do that on the machine. The two things I try to teach when using the machine is to get the front foot up before I put the ball in the machine and to launch backwards at the moment of GO.

I think that’s the point some of us are trying to make, though. The hitter can time the machine in the way you are stating because there is no variance. The ball will always come out of the machine the same unless it is cranked up or down without informing the hitter. I made a similar point when I mentioned using one in HS. At first I had issues with the machine because I had never hit off one and I started my swing when the ball came out. Once my teammate said to start my swing (foot up and load) when the ball was being dropped into the shoot, I could hit it hard every time. It is not even close to hitting off of and timing up a live pitcher, and I don’t think using a machine and hitting well off one transfers to a game. Just my opinion, of course.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
The responses in this thread are top-notch. We use both JUGS and Hack Attack Machines. We work on hitting various pitches. I did the same with my dd. However, what is always missing is adjustability training. That requires balls in flight and most often from a pitcher. For my dd when she played, throw it as fast as you can and she could destroy it. However, the great equalizer, the changeup drove her crazy at times until she gained enough discipline to adjust.
May 13, 2023
Soft tossing at different speeds.
Front tossing at different speeds.
While Mixing in change-ups!
Make it happen!
Aug 20, 2017
I think that’s the point some of us are trying to make, though. The hitter can time the machine in the way you are stating because there is no variance. The ball will always come out of the machine the same unless it is cranked up or down without informing the hitter. I made a similar point when I mentioned using one in HS. At first I had issues with the machine because I had never hit off one and I started my swing when the ball came out. Once my teammate said to start my swing (foot up and load) when the ball was being dropped into the shoot, I could hit it hard every time. It is not even close to hitting off of and timing up a live pitcher, and I don’t think using a machine and hitting well off one transfers to a game. Just my opinion, of course.
Agree with everything you said. I find it useful for teaching the foot to get up before seeing the ball which is a weird feel for players that struggle with being late. Not a whole lot more than that.
May 13, 2023
In our program, we have stopped using soft toss from the side.
One of the reasons like tossing from the side is that can throw the pitch deeper or further out front. Including high low quicker or softer. Can force a specific pitch location to hit.
(like putting a tee deeper or further out front)

Also use it because there's not always space or netting/screen equipment available to pitch from the front.
Last edited:
Dec 10, 2015
Chautauqua County
I think that’s the point some of us are trying to make, though. The hitter can time the machine in the way you are stating because there is no variance. The ball will always come out of the machine the same unless it is cranked up or down without informing the hitter. I made a similar point when I mentioned using one in HS. At first I had issues with the machine because I had never hit off one and I started my swing when the ball came out. Once my teammate said to start my swing (foot up and load) when the ball was being dropped into the shoot, I could hit it hard every time. It is not even close to hitting off of and timing up a live pitcher, and I don’t think using a machine and hitting well off one transfers to a game. Just my opinion, of course.
just turn down the speed a bit and you've got a CU.

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