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Jan 25, 2011
I am new to the site as well.

Nano, are you a site moderator?

No, just sick of some of the my camp is better than your camp stuff. They can argue all they want, some people don't think Chris O, Steve, MTS, Straightleg, or others. I like all these guys, they each make you think. They might see different ways of getting a hitter to feel or learn something. It was just the way Marcus came at some of these people. I went to the other site that teacherman has and was just turned off by what was being said. He could be the best at was he does, but you can't learn from the way it is presented, well some might, but with the lack of respect for others and also their children. I just don't think it needs spilled over to here.
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Good luck, Mann. It seems you got it all figured out. We have a different take on should review Knight's thread. His daughter is coming along at a very fast clip.

Heck no MTS I have a long, long long way to go.. i am free to change my mind at any time, and i will.

Teach 40 girls the exact same thing, you will have 40 different swings, and must pull out your bucket of fixs, the bigger the bucket the better.
Last edited:
Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Do you have the full clips of the girl in the stills? It would probably settle a few things faster.

If you were in Town MTS, i would love for you to have at it. She would like it also i believe. this is not about maddy, its about Knightb dd,

my post was just about turning the triangle and your views of the box, all HANDS stuff. About long arms.


Mann - if you teach them all the first engine - they will put their own stamp on it....and they will improve....if you add the second engine you have something special and you can stick to a few drills instead of having 700 band aids....I used to think along the lines of having as many tools in your tool box as possible....I don't think that way anymore....

Heck no MTS I have a long, long long way to go.. i am free to change my mind at any time, and i will.

Teach 40 girls the exact same thing, you will have 40 different swings, and must pull out your bucket of fixs, the bigger the bucket the better.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
MTS, when you say about not needing "all of the tools," then are you suggesting that all any of us need are the SnF drill?
Jan 13, 2012
What MTS is saying is what I think...well what is the hardest concept to understand. The continual pull in the back. The back resisting the turn of the rear leg. I believe it, and do it, but am still amazed by it. The Braun gifs I posted after playing with last night, I posted because I was just staring at them for half an hour. If you have an open mind, no preset thoughts, you can see it all.

People have a preset thought that a swing is a forceful push, it feels right, and can be successful in girls softball, but it is not the way the best swing.
Even if your girls are still pushing, the snf will help power that up, so it is a journey.

From personal experience, the toughest thing to do is to keep pulling back. It's very counter-intuitive after years of pushing forward.


IMO - it is the #1 drill. I have been at this a long time and tried pretty much everything out there and this drill not only feels right (once you learn how to do it correctly - and a footnote that many other so called drills feel absolutely wrong no matter how much you do it) it leads to the other few drills that can be applied to your regular swing. Once you figure out the SnF you can apply to these other drills

Rear Leg Swings
Deep Tee
Reverse Top Hands (done with a rearward turn of the barrel)
Modified SnF off front toss / machine / live
Aug 28, 2012
I would recommend trying it. Once you do it correctly, your entire perspective changes.


Penalty box, PStein! Two minutes for wasting your time! :)

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